Is it possible to send more than 10 data points per second from Arduino to the Blynk app? (I would like the Arduino robot arm to report its position to the app and plot it.) Currently there seems to be a lag.
Is there any factor that can improve the data rate? (e.g. the use of wifi vs ethernet vs bluetooth, bluetooth baud rate, the use of local server vs blynk cloud, the editing of software limit, etc)
Is it possible to represent an array of data using graphs instead of tables? (i.e. Can I pack the feedback from 3 different motors into 1 array, feed it through a virtual pin, and separately plot each of the 3 element to a graph?) Will there be such a feature any time soon?
You have to detect first what is causing this lag. It could be anything.[quote=“Sam-C, post:1, topic:14580”]
Is there any factor that can improve the data rate? (e.g. the use of wifi vs ethernet vs bluetooth, bluetooth baud rate, the use of local server vs blynk cloud, the editing of software limit, etc)
Yes. Ethernet + Local server would be the fastest option.
Not supported directly. However you can use some kind of “hack” here via webhoooks.