Need help with timers

Hello. I am trying to understand how timers work, but they dont work for me. I am trying to create code where

if a<b , turn led on for 1 minute, if still a smaller than b keep led on for another minute. when a bigger than b turn led off for minimum 2 minutes.
I just cannot figure it out. Give me some advice please.

<<< theese symbols caused part of my text to dissapear :smiley:

BlynkTimer, while integrated into Blynk, is actually based on SimpleTimer. Here is the link for that… lots of information on how it works.

Your solution will probably consist of both a Boolean and/or Comparison Operator check, and a timer routine (probably timeout would be best)… so a bit of both basic Arduino code and Simple(Blynk)Timer code.

This is where formatting helps… the three backticks, fore and aft, of any strange characters can help make them visible… as will (to some degree) the Preformatted Text </> button in your text entry menu.

Blynk - FTFC

Hi. I found this example: Timer. All timers are set up in the void setup(). Can i put line " timer.setTimeout(10000, OnceOnlyTask);" somewhere in my code to start this timer when i need, or that to be done somehow different?

Yes you can.

Those are typically the interval timers… they constantly run at set intervals throughout the entire scripts runtime… thus the setup is a logical place to put them.

They could technically go anywhere, but then they might reset each time the code reaches them… effectively messing up the timing.

Other timers like timeouts can be placed wherever… just be aware that they don’t stop and wait for something to happen, so you have to be cognizant of timeframe when processing multiple timers to do advanced things.

E.g. Here is a crude “Open latch then flash LED x times” routine… change one timer without accounting for the rest can mess everything up.

It uses both setTimeout and setTimer types:

//===== LATCH(Relay Sim) & LED PULSE - BLYNK Functions =====
BLYNK_WRITE(V40)  // Virtual button on V40 to activate Relay_LED pulses
  RLY_LED = param.asInt();
  if (RLY_LED == 1 && Flag == 0){
    Flag = 1;  // Keeps from allowing button press more then once while relay activated
    digitalWrite(30, HIGH); // Activate Relay
    timer.setTimeout(2000L, Relay2OFF);  // Deactivare Relay after 2 seconds
    timer.setTimer(2000L, LedON, 5);  // Pulse LED routine (LedON/LedOFF) 5 times

void Relay2OFF()
  digitalWrite(30, LOW);
  Flag = 0;  // reset flag after relay disables

void LedON()
  digitalWrite(31, HIGH);  // Turn on LED
  timer.setTimeout(1000L, LedOFF);  // Run OFFLED routine once in 1 second

void LedOFF()
  digitalWrite(31, LOW);  // Turn off LED

Thank you all. It is not all fully clear, but i am getting closer to my achievement.