Need help With Blynk app to communicate with my Arduino (Robotdyn) - Now Wemos D1 Mini

Search this forum for keywords like UNOWiFi and ROBOTDYN and good luck… not easy boards to work with.

Save yourself grief and pick up a $5 Wemos D1 Mini. or even a NodeMCU.

OK thanks, I will see were I can buy those, but can you help me with the another problem? How to associate the pin A0 to a virtual Pin V5?
Thanks !

Just follow the documentation and examples, along with a bit of deductive reasoning…

Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, analogRead(A0));  // Send analog pin value to display Widget

Generally used with a timer or a BLYNK_WRITE() function: For example, a Button…

BLYNK_WRITE(V0) // Button Widget
  if (param.asInt() == 1) {  // When button pressed
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, analogRead(A0));  // Send analog pin value to display Widget set to PUSH mode

You can also have the Display widget, by itself, determine the frequency of the data read (but only works when the App/Project is active).

BLYNK_READ(V5)  // Display Widget set to reading rate frequency
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, analogRead(A0));  // Send analog pin value to display Widget at set frequency

Thanks a lot! Just one more thing wich one do I use for the eventor? because when I use the
Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, analogRead(A0)); it sends me an error wich is the blynk was not declared on this scope.

Sounds like you don’t have the Blynk Libraries properly installed. If you do, then they might be corrupted or something??

Remove them and reinstall manually as shown here…

I re-installed the libraries but it continues to give me that error.

You haven’t seen any official sketches with virtualWrite() as part of the variable definitions.

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I fix it thanks for the attention!

Hello, I need help transforming this code into the blynk application using the eventor, I don’t know how to make this into te blynk app. I search a lot of tutorials but they all are examples of your work and not an original project. I tried to make an app but it didn’t work.

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial 
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

char auth[] = "xxxxxxxx";
int sensorValue = A0;
int led=10;
char ssid[] = "xxxxxxxxxx";
char pass[] = "xxxxxxxxx";

  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, analogRead(A0)); 

void setup()
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);

void loop()

What do I do now? Thanks!

Start at the beginning and read through these and the documentation. This is what it is all there for :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I saw those already, but still this doens’t work… Please I need urgent help on this project.

Sorry, I don’t use that type of mixed up hybrid Arduino/WiFi board… way to complicated for me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I recommend you get a proper Wemos D1 Mini or even a NodeMCU… you will get better support for them.

I already got one WeMos D1 Mini, I bought one today, my only issue is the code.

Code looks OK I guess… so what is your issue… exactly, in detail, please… my mindreading is a bit flakey today :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My issue is when I want the eventor to read the value from A0 wich is where the flame sensor is connected to send me a notification and to send me an email. But the eventor doesn’t work so I guess its the code.

Do you have a Display Widget of some type already setup on V5 and have the frequency reading set to whatever you are needing? If not, you need to first, then the Eventor should be able to see it and you can set an event for it.

I don’t have any display widget, what do you recomend to use for a flame sensor?

That’s not the point… you need a Display widget, with a set reading rate, in order to trigger the BLYNK_READ command that then gets whatever data that sensor sends to your analog pin, so pick one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


A post was split to a new topic: Works when App open, but I can’t understand what to do to have the conditions constantly working