My Garage Door Opener

Hi, thank you for the clarification. Extra question: what do you mean with the statement below? aerial what, aerial flashing?

I guess the comment by @costas was regarding external antenna bundle at the Wemos mini D1

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Yes aerial for the WeMos as @psoro surmised.

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oh you are not alone in that one my friend :earth_americas:

Hi @Costas,
Did you succeed uploading sketches using the WeMos mini D1?
I’m fighting till yesterday but I’m losing the match …:sweat:

Yes @psoro it is the easiest flashing I have ever done. I must upload new sketches a 100+ times a day.
I do limit the upload speed to 115200 though as opposed to the IDE default for the Mini of 921600.

Has your system recognised the ‘cheapo’ USB chip in the Mini?

What hardware and OS are you using including the version of IDE and core?

Windows 8.1 laptop, IDE 1.6.8 and 2.20 core.


Once at home I’ll provide you all details… Thanks for you fast reply!!

Edit: I mean via OTA…

@psoro do you want to do local OTA or via an offsite server?

We do most of our OTA via an offsite server but we have done local OTA.

For either, all we did was take the example sketches provided in the core. With offsite server you have to implement some kind of sequencing so that the server knows what firmware version (sketch) you currently have and which new version to flash but with local that’s not important.

From memory we did have a few problems with local OTA when we were using a second router as a repeater to the main router. We needed to ensure that both devices (ESP and Laptop) were both wirelessly connected to the same router.

Wife’s birthday today so off out for a Japanese shortly but I’ll be back online later this evening.

Hahaha, enjoy my friend. We can talk tomorrow.
Happy birthday to your wife :slight_smile::birthday:

At the end I did it!!! I’m able to upload via Web Browser. @Costas, as always, many thanks for your kindly support,
I think this is a really interesting way to upload code. There’s no need to unplug and plug again. Obviously it should be done carefully…
Kind regards!


Dear psoro, because I like the idea to upload my sketches via Web browser, is it possible to give me the steps required? Thanks a lot!

Hi @mikekgr,
You can find all details here:

Let me know your doubts and I’ll try to help you

Good luck!

Thanks, I just gave an eye to the link (documentation).
I found it rather complicated to me at first. Ok if/when I try to implement I will let’s you know and I will ask your help if needed.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Mike Kranidis


I don’t doubt @gusgonnet, he’s an IoT legend, but I do have painful experience with the Photons.

I own four, I’ve found them to be unreliable and very temperamental. Once they go South, no matter how many Particle programs (firmware, CLIs, DFU Mode, Particle Flash etc…) you use to bring them back, you’re just wasting hours and $20+ a pop (+ shipping).

I agree with @Costas, I’ve received five D1 Mini’s (to use on my previous Photon projects) using OTA, they are much more reliable.

Just my opinion, one newbie to another…

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Bad news.
Over the last few days, my gate detect OPEN, CLOSE is now not working properly even when I am at home and connected to wifi only.
The LCD would show close even when the gate is open and vice versa. Closing and restarting the app does not help. Occasionally, the LCD goes blank (no letters). To get it to work, I have to switch off the power supply and then turn on power. I am using a dedicated 3.3V converter, the same one I use for the other esp 12 which controls the actual opening and closing and that one has no problems; i.e. I can open and close the gate with blynk.
I added an access point to boost the wifi signal and it does not help.
Any suggestions? Thanks.

@favstuff at the moment LCD has a bug with representing state after reconnection. We recommend for now to use another widget for your case like value display, terminal or LED.

Thanks. Is the fix on the app or back end?
Could you let us know after the fix is ready so we know?

Most probably this is App issue. Yes, we will notify you.

Strange. Now my push button on the blynk is also not working these few days, especially after midnight.
Been seeing quite a number of esp is offline.
Is the server undergoing maintenance or could it be something else?

@favstuff server is fine. If you see some strange behaviour - please describe it, hardware setup, wiring, code, etc.