Multiple Bridge Connection Question-

If I have an ESP (A) and I want to have bridges to TWO other ESP’s (B and C), would my code on A include:

WidgetBridge bridgeA(V20);
WidgetBridge bridgeB(V20);


WidgetBridge bridgeA(V20);
WidgetBridge bridgeB(V21);


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Great. Thanks @Dmitriy. Might be good to add a note in the bridge sketch comments.

So as I am seeing it now.

-When I want multiple devices working on one project, I have to make one “master” device to send the commands through? Or am I able to connect multiple devices to the same authentication token?

For example, I want to control every light in my living room from one project in the app. Every light is controlled by a wemos mini with relay.
So I need to make a master which is also connected to a relay and this master will send the other commands to the rest of the “slaves”? Also I can daisy chain the whole system by sending every command to the next device and so on, so the other devices don’t have to be straightly connected to the wifi network, am I right? (So no IP addresses will be given to the slave devices?)
Just for understanding the basics of using the bridge tool

I have similar question too.
How I can send V pin on nodemcu and set another nodemcu to read V pin and activate digital pin?
I have 8 physical switches that I want to control all of them with 2 nodemcu’s using bridge widget, use master device to control 4 switches and use slave to control another 4