using MQTT protocol: Blynk MQTT server should return a failure code instead of a success code (0x00) on the post request in case of a post failure (publish request)
API request returns correctly error on failure, for exemple 403 when message limit is reached
more generally, it seems that MQTT server is always pleased with whatever you publish and never returns a failure code, even if topic does not exist, property does not exist, or datastream does not exist
Hi Oleksii
I’m using python Paho mqtt library as mqtt client
About my first post :
when a publish request is issued when quotas are exceeded such as with free plan when limit is reached, I was expecting to get a status code of 4 (over quotas) instead of 0 (message accepted) , but after checking logs with quality of service set to 1 it seems there is no PUBACK from the server when over quotas, that’s why status code is not set.
can you please confirm the following :
to check if publish is over quotas or not, the only way is to publish with qos > 0 and check for PUBACK ?
about my second post forget it for now since I was confused with success or failure of publish topic method, I have to check again against free plan with quotas exceeded and pro plan with no quota.