You’ve not shared your actual code, so it’s going to be difficult for anyone to comment further, but also - because you’re using hardware that most forum users will be unfamiliar with - the likelihood of anyone being able to assist is slim.
In addition, I don’t think many users are using MQTT.
I use MQTT for all of my home automation projects, but implemented this before Blynk had direct MQTT support. As a result, I use Node-Red as my Blynk to MQTT bridge. I have done some testing with direct Blynk MQTT connections, which have worked fairly well using ESP devices connected via WiFi, but I’ve decided to stick with Node-Red as my interface for a variety of reasons. As a result, I’ve not done very much long-term testing of direct Blynk MQTT.
There is also the added complication that you are using a SIM based connection system, and the issues you describe sound like they could be caused - at least in part - by your mobile ISP.
In general i think the MQTT protocol seemd ideal for my application. Due my lacking experience it might be not…
I found out, that the provider (in my case Vodafone IT) does not change after a restart but local ip adress changes. I think as you say, this issues may be caused by the provider because also the example code MQTT.ino shows the same behaviour. So you think this “not reconnecting” has nothing to do with the blynk server?
What should I do next?
It seems that this command after restarting the Atom solves the problem…
Yes, I edited my post after I saw your ESP32 tag in your post. It was the atom library includes that made me think that this was suing an atom chip rather than an espressif one.
Sounds like it either an ISP or modem hardware/library issue then. Glad it’s working now.