More than one TCP connection

Yes, Node-Red and MQTT.

MQTT is a messaging service developed by IBM for exactly this situation. It requires a broker (server) and the common approach is to use a Raspberry Pi running the Mosquitto broker along with the Node-Red server software, although there are versions that run on a PC instead.

Node-Red is a graphical programming/wiring tool that has community developed plug-ins that provide integration with 3rd party products, including Blynk. It also has a powerful script I gotta language, which is very similar to C++, that can be used to write functions and nodes to create an extremely powerful system.

I was reluctant to introduce another programming tool into my architecture at first, but Node-Red actually simplifies integration with other products in a way that makes it well worthwhile.

I started this thread about the way that I use Node-Red and MQTT (plus Blynk, Amazon Alexa, Ikea TRÅDFRI etc) in my home automation projects:

The thread has become a bit messy now, and I’m overdue making another post about other elements of my home automation system, but the first three posts from me in the the thread explain what the system can do and give some examples of how I use it for real-life home automation projects.


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