Minor bugs in Device Tiles

tricky to replicate and hard to explain, lets give it a shot:


  • ‘overview screen’ is the overview of the devices of the Devices tiles
  • ‘detail screen’ is the screen you get when you select one of the devices from the ‘overview screen’.

If I run this:

Blynk.setProperty(targetTType_PIN, "color", color);// 3 OPTION BUTTON WIDGET
Blynk.setProperty(showTargetT_PIN, "color", color);// TARGET T (Value display)
Blynk.setProperty(showTargetT_PIN, "label", label);// TARGET T LABEL as shown in app

Blynk.setProperty(targetTMIN_PIN, "offBackColor", color); // TARGET T - styled button 
Blynk.setProperty(targetTMIN_PIN, "onBackColor", color);  // TARGET T - styled button 
Blynk.setProperty(targetTPLUS_PIN, "offBackColor", color);// TARGET T + styled button 
Blynk.setProperty(targetTPLUS_PIN, "onBackColor", color); // TARGET T + styled button 

directly from the detailed screen (so hit a button that activates the above) everything works as expected. All the relevant widgets (two styled buttons and one value display widget) change to the appropriate color and the label also changes.

IF however I run this:

for(int i=0; i<7; i++) APIwriteDevicePin(tokenTHM[i], targetTType_PIN, param.asStr());

from somewhere else (outside the devices tiles), which initiates the color change for each connected device (code at the top) then:

  • the two styled buttons colors are changed correctly
  • the value display widget does NOT change color
  • the value display widget label does NOT change

o and one other Device Tile color ‘thing’. I’ve got a 3x3 setup but using 8 devices, which means that one tile is ‘empty’. This ‘empty’ tile changes color when I change the color of one of the widgets which is NOT part of the device tile ??!
When however I change the color back, the device tile does NOT change back?!? Only when I stop and play the app then the color of the tile changes back to gray.
What is tricky on this one is that:

  • if I change the color of a widget from outside the device tiles, the ‘empty tile’ does not change color
  • if I do the same but from within the device tile (so color update for the same widget) the empty tile DOES change color and
  • I think that sometimes ‘after a while’ the color changes when I change the widget from the outside…
    edit2: found the ‘sometimes’. If I change it from outside it does NOT change color but as soon as I open a detailed screen and go back (without changing anything) the color changes.
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and one other Device Tile color ‘thing’. I’ve got a 3x3 setup but using 8 devices, which means that one tile is ‘empty’. This ‘empty’ tile changes color when I change the color of one of the widgets which is NOT part of the device tile ??!
When however I change the color back, the device tile does NOT change back?!? Only when I stop and play the app then the color of the tile changes back to gray.

Hm, I think I understand this issue - will be fixed in next release. @Dmitriy could you check the property update issue?

and a third bug in the device tiles:

If you turn OFF: ‘show widget’s background in play mode’ and then change the color of the device tiles: the background lines are shown (which is incorrect).
Moreover if you then turn ON: ‘show widget’s background in play mode’, then the background lines are NOT shown in the device tiles.

I do this with white background for the app and white background color for the device tiles.

and I also now realise that its strange that the ‘9th’ tile (which I described in the earlier bug) is gray when acting ‘normal’. It should be white!!

Note that if you set up the device tiles its shown correctly. Only AFTER you change the tile color AND you have ‘show widget bg in play mode’ OFF its is shown correctly.

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Could you attach a screenshot of how it looks like on your device, as I don’t see this issue on mine? And also what’s android device and os version is used

android galaxy S8 edige, version… android v 8.0.0 samsung v 9.0 Screenshots come next.

to get this issue it requires some fiddling.

  • First you have a correct tile view in front
  • then hit stop; nut ; tile design base color (currently set to gray and change that to white.

had an appointment in the middle of this post. I’ve now updated it fully . The screenshots are a bit weird here on the forum as parts are missing, but you can see the lines between the tiles