Micro:bit blynk connect error (Error flashing softdevice)


I created the topic again.
Befor explain, this topic is not the-non-related-blynk topic.
I followed ‘BBC micro:bit + Arduino IDE’ in Blynk Help Center.here

Please do not close this topic because of the error that occurred while following the guidelines of BLYNK.

I’m trying to use my micor:bit by using blynk.
So, I followd the guide ‘BBC micro:bit + Arduino IDE’ in Blynk Help Center.here
I really followd process in [https://github.com/sandeepmistry/arduino-nRF51]

fianlly, I select SoftDevice -> S110, Programmer -> CMSIS-DAP,
and select ‘nRF5 Flash SoftDevice’

But, the result is as below (Error while flashing SoftDevice)

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0-dev-00254-g696fc0a (2016-04-10-10:13)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
debug_level: 0
cortex_m reset_config sysresetreq
adapter speed: 1000 kHz
Error: unable to find CMSIS-DAP device

Error while flashing SoftDevice.


I read and read the guide, I coudn’'t find solution…

This is not Blynk-related, and also there aren’t too many people here who tried this. So I suggest looking elsewhere.
But who knows, maybe someone can help…

I just wonder… why you think this is not Blynk-related.

Did you see the above link?

I just want to do the same with the contents in BLYNK HELP CENTER.

It is a message related to your physical programmer and that still has nothing to do with Blynk. Try and get it working first without any code. Just upload the default program from a new sketch and see if you can get that running.

-better still

Get a Wemos D1 Mini and throw out this rubbish :slight_smile:

While you may have been following a document by Blynk, your error implies something wrong with your setup or the device itself… not a problem with Blynk as you haven’t even gotten that far yet… Thus NOT Blynk related.

This is not a common hardware device here… so you might get better support concerning flashing that device direct from http://microbit.org/