MEGA and Wifi board

The 3 peristaltic pumps (Input Voltage: 5V-6V) - can it be connected to ESP32?

A DC 5.9V motor connected to L298N driven by external 6V battery connected to L298N - can it be connected to ESP32?

Both are above 5V of ESP32. I supply external 9V battery to get them to work via an expansion board / power in.

All the sensors have 3 cables (GND/5V/Signal), connecting them to the ESP32 pins via breadboard advisable?

Thanks for your patience. I may not speak the same ‘language’ of an electronic expert.

You haven’t explicitly confirmed or denied if you are doing this. If you are then please stop, and please don’t do it with your ESP32.

Which sensors?

Most likely, you’ll need to do what you currently do - connect GND to GND, 5v to a 5V supply and Signal to the GPIO pin of the ESP32.

It’s never advisable to use a solderless breadboard for anything other than prototyping.
You can use strip board or patch board, or design your own PCB.


I would use a relay board :thinking:

I am planning of combining the 2 systems into 1 using the ESP32 (now that MEGA wifi doesn’t work well with Blynk). Hence the question about how to safely adding the motors to the ESP32.

So a perf board+soldering or an expansion board for the ESP32 is the way to go.



Dino got the mega wifi to work with Blynk on a simple RGB program. :wink: :joy: :sauropod: :t_rex:

Will try replacing the Mega with ESP32 with the rest of sensors, motors etc.