Meet Blueprints: your pre-built IoT Templates 🚀

Hey, Blynkers!

Excited to introduce a new feature - Blueprints (Beta) :rocket:

Now, you can have not only a device connected but a fully functional project built in no time! Yep, that includes firmware code, configured datastreams and beautiful dashboards.

What is a Blueprint?

A Blueprint is basically a pre-built template and a detailed step-by-step guide on how to make the project work.

Each Blueprint includes:

  • List of hardware and software required
  • Pre-built web and mobile dashboard
  • Pre-configured datastreams
  • Working firmware created specifically for the project
  • Step-by-step tutorial on how to run the project

Everything starts with finding a relevant Blueprint - in the future, it will be anything from an air quality monitor, a hydroponics IoT solution to an asset tracker, or a simple garage door opener.

Once you’ve copied a Blueprint to your templates, you can easily customize the project by adding more widgets and modifying the code to add new functions on top. Lots of time saved!

What’s available now?

As with any new functionality, it will be a gradual rollout. You can already find the first 5 Blueprints in the Template section of Blynk.Console and many more are coming soon.

Blueprints can only be accessed via Console, but the template itself will include a pre-set mobile app dashboard for your project :star_struck:

Enough talking - go ahead and try Blueprints to see for yourself! And don’t forget to update your app and library to the latest version.


This week’s heat-wave have made my brain work really really slow. Even slower than normal according to some people… :joy:

My question: With which credentials can I access the Blueprints? The one that I use for the forum doesn’t work.

:sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

hi @distans, you can access Blueprints with your Blynk account credentials! Hope this helps :wink:

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We already see some interest in Blueprints, thank you for that!

Let us know in this thread what kind of blueprints you would like to see more (or maybe even contribute). We plan adding these categories:

  • blueprints for off-the-shelve hardware. Think: ready-to-use sensors and actuators
  • GUI oriented blueprints to help you build beautiful apps
  • blueprints highlighting Blynk features and best practices

If you have a Blueprint idea which you believe can be really helpful for other Blynkers, post it here or DM @maryna here or DM @maryna

Enjoy Blynking!


@PeteKnight maybe you’d be interested in converting your articles about timers and virtual pins into a blueprint?

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@Pavel I’m travelling in Europe for the next month or so, but I’ll look in to it when I get back home.
Is there some guidance about how to create blueprints?



@maryna could you please DM Pete with the details? Thanks!

@PeteKnight Enjoy your summer travels!

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Pete, will DM you shortly!

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Hi Maryna, congrats on the new Blueprints, excellent idea and well executed! Quick question regarding the Blueprint “Asset Tracker”. I have followed successfully (I hope) all of the steps and have the Particle code working and sending WebHooks to Blynk. So far, Blynk has displayed connectivity (via Console) so I know I am reaching Blynk server (NY3). But I am receiving an error status 400 from with both WebHooks.

The Particle Log is telling me

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
connection: keep-alive
content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
access-control-allow-origin: *
content-length: 68

{"error":{"message":"Value doesn't match the Datastream data type"}}

This is the HTTP request sent to the webhook url:

GET /external/api/batch/update?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&V3=%2C&V4=&V5=&V6=2023-06-22T04%3A26%3A40.240Z&V10=no%20battery&V11=47.5&V12=25.0 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: ParticleBot/1.1 (
Connection: keep-alive

I haven’t changed any of the datatypes or values…
Any ideas?

I think you need to post a screenshot like this one, to show exactly how you’ve configured the webhook settings in the Particle Console…


Hi Pete, here is the screenshot for each WebHook:


Hi, any news on this problem with the Asset Tracker IoT Template?

Thanks, Drew

@Dmitriy please check it

Hi @Dmitriy any success in reproducing my problem? Thanks!

Have you modified the firmware or device template at all, or is everything straight from what the blueprint generated? Did you change the data passed in the Particle.publish()? If so, please share.

The “HTTP request sent to the webhook url” you shared of “GET /external/api/batch/update?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&V3=%2C&V4=&V5=&V6=2023-06-22T04%3A26%3A40.240Z&V10=no%20battery&V11=47.5&V12=25.0” is invalid.

The “%2C” for V3 is a problem. V3 should only be GPS coordinates as the longitude and latitude. Ex: V3=-76.2,23.1

Only V6 and V10 should have %20 for a space in it since they are the only datastreams of data type string.

  1. Confirm the server “” is correct. In the Blynk Console at the lower right is the server you should be connecting to.

  2. Use your browser to test a Blynk HTTP API GET. Revise the following, replacing the BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN from your sketch (.ino file) with {token} below, and {server_address} with your server address. Include the brackets in the replacement. Then put that URL into a browser at the address input at the top and see what response you get. If no error, then check your web dashboard or mobile app to see that the datastream values changed.


  1. Compare information from #1 and #2 to the Particle webhook settings.

  2. Report what happens when you click the ‘Test’ button for the Particle webhook and show us what is sent and the result.

helo @maryna i want connected to ssh openwrt router from blynk Terminal? Dashboard

How is this connected with Blynk Templates?


Tanks Mark, I’ll give it a try with your suggestions.

Hi Mark, have some results…

Looks like the data stream mismatch is for V10, Battery Level. The template shows type “Double” which should work if indeed the level is sent as a number. But since I am using the Particle plugged into the USB, there is no battery and apparently the script sends “No Battery” as a String type, causing the datatype issue. When I replace the “No Battery” with, say, 4.2, naturally it works correctly.

Here is the code segment for this variable:

// Battery and cellular signal variables (and default values)
String batt_chg = "no battery"; // battery charge
String cell_str = "N/A";        // cellular signal strength
String cell_qual = "N/A";       // cellular signal quality

So, I guess either the datatype for V10 should be changed to “String” in the template, or the demo Blynk script should be changed to not send character-type data in the case of “no battery” present.

Here are screen caps to confirm:
Blynk Console:

Blynk Template:

Thanks for your help!

  • Drew