MAKER PLAN does not work even if extended

I extended and payed MAKER plan for whole next year yesterday and I can see MAKER plan active in app and console. Both app and console show devices online but does not update data since yesterday. I had not received any notification or warning about change in billing strategy before I payed. Can I continue using my MAKER plan as before? If not how can I cancel my payment and get money back please? I have two devices so really don’t want to spen $99 per month and will migrate to different platform.

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Have you done all the local side checks? Blynk App is up to date, Wifi router reset, your local Blynk IOT devices rebooted, etc…

Yes, of course, app is up to date and I have tried to repower devices several times. App shows properly online and offline status but does not update data. I would appreciate someone to check the subscription.

Hello @Zvonecek. I check your acc. I think this is limit msg issue.

Perhaps for some reason, after updating the plan, the message limit from the device was affected. Please wait next deployment. I think it will be in the near future.
We will try to investigate/fix this specific issue.

@Zvonecek We deployed servers with fix. I checked your device dashboard. All fine fine now. Values are updating now.

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