Looking for someone to pay to help me with a project

I’m working on a project that I can’t seem to get any help on that works from any Arduino forum on the internet. I think it is simple enough for someone who knows what they are doing with Arduino but too complex for me as a beginner. I’ve spent several months on this and I’m at a standstill. Please let me know a rate you can help me and I’ll pay you via paypal. The project is making 4 sensors work with ESP8266 on Blynk. DHT11, MQ-135 Gas, HC-SR501 Motion and an EMF Detector (of any config). That’s it. Thank you.

So you want to build a ghost detector project :rofl:

Actually it’s not. It’s one part of a much bigger project. It is for industrial use. This is the Wifi part.

Ok, I’ll help you, but are you sure you want to use cheap sensors in a big project?

Does that mean it has a commercial application?


No. It is a prototype.

For now. It is a prototype.

But will the final product be a commercial solution, or will it be used to support a commercial business venture?


According to @PeteKnight, if he allows me, then I can help you.

This is a test for software not hardware but I need to have something giving various types of sensory input so the software developer knows how to develop the software. None of the prototype using Arduino resources would be used for a commercial purpose.

The reason I’m asking is because of the Terms & Conditions for the Blynk software…

Commercial Use

Any of Blynk Products CAN NOT BE USED for any commercial purposes, including, but not limited to selling products and providing services which for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit or used for monetary gains or beneficial to a commercial entity.

The only legal way to use Blynk products and services for commercial purposes is to sign up for a paid licensing subscription plan listed here: https://blynk.io/plans

If you develop a system that is used to benefit a commercial entity (i.e a business) then you need to go for one of the Blynk commercial; plans.

If Blynk believe that you are using the product illegally then they can immediately pull the plug on your use of the Blynk app and servers, and this will result in loss of access to your data.

Also, Blynk are now developing their apps for commercial customers on a different platform (Blynk 2.0 as it tends to be called). A developer version of Blynk 2.0 is currently in beta testing by myself and others.

Time/money spent on development of a solution which may become a commercial app in future may not be the best approach in terms of portability to the new platform, so I’d always recommend that people open a dialogue with the guys over at blynk.io early on in the prototyping process.


It’s nothing to do with me mate, it’s just that it may end-up being a waste of money for @Locomojo.
I’d say you should “fill your boots” while you can.


Blynk is absolutely not part of anything that will be used commercially but I need to show how multiple sensors transmit data via wifi. The prototype of the overall device shows the developer those challenges. I have made requests in other forums. I’m sad this is causing trouble.