After I have changed my modem to a new type my blynk project does not work anymore.
I use Arduino and the CC3000 wifi shield, I have the latest Arduino SW and blynk library.
The wifi connection seems to be okay, I do get an IP address, but then it ends up with the message:
looking for
I have tried to use both my own and the example sketch in the blynk libray.
The thing is that my project was working fine with my old router but after the change of router I have this problem.
I have not changed anything in the sketch.
I have tried to connect my Arduino on a friends router but no luck…!!
Is there something I need to do or check on my router?
Sorry - CC3000 model has either broken driver or firmware - and we actually can’t do anything about that
I suggest you to switch to using NodeMCU or similar (ESP8266 Standalone).