I came back to the community looking for ideas in how to alert the user about a long period of a device offline.
I have a lot of devices far away, and sometimes they go offline and usually it is just an internet problem, and over the time the device reconnects by it self. But sometimes it’s a real hardware problem and the devices is in fail.
Some way to notify the owner about a longer than a limit offline period will help a lot.
Any ideas?
Have you looked at the “Ignore Offline Period” settings in the template?
@PeteKnight you mean this:
Hi @PeteKnight , I saw what you mean about the , but reading about Offline Ignore Period, I found this on the documentation:
Offline Ignore Period
Offline ignore period is an option that allows you to hide “offline” event on the device timeline. For example, let’s say you set the offline ignore period to 1 minute and we have the next device log:
17:44:33 - device connects 17:44:40 - device disconnects 17:44:50 - device connects again
With offline ignore period set to 1 minute your device timeline will show only 1 event:
17:44:33 device connects
This is because device reconnected within the 1 minute interval. Without offline ignore period set your timeline will show all the above events.
What confuses me is the statement that the notification will be the first one of the period, not the last one.
I’ll have to test this
I’ve deleted your post from the Templates thread, as it is totally unconnected with what you are trying to achieve.
Please don’t post about the same issue in multiple places, it makes things get very messy very quickly.