I’m having trouble getting my Android devices to work correctly on the local server, although the IOS devices work fine.
I have my Alarm hardware communicating with the local Blynk server, I’ve configured up a dashboard on my ipad and it displays the sensor states correctly, I have a dummy button on the dashboard that can be pressed to keep to keep the app to local server connection alive.
If I logout on my ipad, and login on my iphone everything continues to work correctly. This works for all my IOS devices.
If I logout on my IOS device and login using my Andriod device, none of the sensor states are displayed on the application’s LEDs. Press the button on the Android dashboard and it is sent to the local server and the hardware. Any change in sensor states are sent to the local server, it looks like the server is sending them to the Android app, but it has no effect on the LEDs they are linked to…
This behaviour is consistent for all my Andriod devices.
Where is a good place to start debugging this?