Recently I’ve installed Blynk server 0.16.2 on a Raspberry Pi 2 model B. The RPi also runs a dhcp server and functions as a wifi access point (using isc-dhcp-server and hostapd). So, all devices connect directly to the RPi. I’m running the Blynk app on a Nexus 7 2013, and Arduino code is compiled for an ESP8266 module.
So far, all is working well. However, I’d like to increase the data rates. For example, if I move a slider in the Anrdoid app, and control e.g. brightness of an LED connected to the ESP8266, the update rate is quite limited, say 2-5 Hz.
I would expect higher data rates, so where is the limitation? Is it the Android app, and is it in some way possible to increase update rate?
Thanks in advance!