Local server on raspberry, admin and app on web

Hi all and thanks for the wonderfull app

I setup a local server (latest stable version) on a raspberry pi3. Everything is fine locally. I can connect my hardware and the blynk app on my Android is working as expected.
The thing is that I want to see the sensors from outside my local network and I dont want to forward ports to everyone.

So I did this:
I reverse ssh’ed port 9443 from raspberry to port 2280 on a VPS I own. Now from my VPS I can access localhost:2280 and get responce from blynk server. Furthermore I create a subdomain eg blynk.mydomain.com and told the apache to proxying on localhost:2280. With everything in place I enter https://blynk.mydomain.com and I access the local server admin interface (really!!) Everything is fine until now. The problem is on Blynk app on my Android. It refuses to connect to blynk.mydomain.com on port 443

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance

I admit that whatever middleman arrangement you made is beyond my current understanding… of either the how or why… but the basics are that Blynk App uses port 9443 with Local Server… so if you do not somehow have that port forwarded all the way to the server, then it will not work.

And then there is the needed hardware port 8080 whence your sensors will communicate over… which you haven’t mentioned if that works or not (EDIT - probably since you haven’t yet been able to make any accounts/projects with :blush: )

Thank you for your post.
The port is actually forwarded , thats why the admin page is working perfectly. It is just “internally” forwarded between the two nodes.

The 8080 port is not needed because all hw is in the local network and it is working as expected. I have the hw connected correctly though lan. All local blynk functionallity is perfect. I have no problem there. I just need blynk app to be able to connect from outside local lan.

Oh… conflicting info makes for conflicting answers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well I don’t know then. I simply port-forward a different port # to 9443 on my router and use a DDNS service and that other # for my App and all works good


Is that too advanced?

When you dismiss the answers given by one of the most experienced members of the community, other members tend to take a step backwards and let you sort it out for yourself.

I think you’ll find that the solution has already been provided.


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I never meant to disencourage someone or even more offend someone.
I just don’t believe that this solution is suitable for my case.
I can’t ddns something from my router and I certainly can’t rely on software updaters from my rapsberry (something about ipv4 problems on my region, the ddns service can’t reach my side).

Reverse proxy is a standard procedure when you want to secure a web app and I use it very often on my VPS’s

The strange thing is that the admin page is working, but the blynk app refuses to connect with no error at all.
It’s just stuck on “connecting”
Even tcpdump shows nothing relevant

Are you using 443 or 9443? I think with Local Server the 9 matters.

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the port is forwarded from raspberry’s 9443 to VPS’s 443
That’s why I enter 443 when I use blynk.mydomain.com
From local network 9443 is fine and the blynk app works as expected

I use noip.com for my DDNS and since 433 is a common port for SSL and might be conflicting with other things running, I uses an arbitrary number of my own choosing that is then forwarded to 9443 on my server. This works perfectly on both my LAN and WAN.

But since you seem to have added another security layer, I suspect your issue lies there… and as that is not something that is Blynk specific I don’t see how this forum can really assist beyond the advice we have already supplied.

… ehm. I have the same problem as this guy

He tried both 443 and 9443 with no success.

Maybe you are right that the problem is no blynk specific!
But hope …

@Jonh_Anderton As stated with this OP, Blynk makes the App, Library and Server (Local or Cloud) and the networking protocols appear normal… Your networking is your responsibility, and if you add in too many security methods or use other 3rd party services without knowing how to route the necessary traffic through them, then I for one do not see how Blynk can be responsible.