Local server No-ip

A cloud VPS service is probably a better, cheaper and more stable solution for you.

For me, a local server (using DynDSN) was good enough, but I had some other things running on my server that was best kept away from any cloud :wink:

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But as VPS needs our credit card info for monthly billings i am worried about it ! I had a friend who’s card info was leaked and was used to draw money from the same and lost quite a lot of money before even he realised and blocked the card !

Afraid of credit card scams !!

Once we login from our router to DynDns we will be given an address. So while login in the app should we provide the same ?

Personally, I don’t see the point in setting-up your own cloud server, except to give yourself unlimited energy. Considering the relatively low cost of energy and the high cost of a hosted server then the numbers don’t add up for me.

The only compelling reason to use a local server is to have a system that continues to function correctly when the internet is down, and a hosted server obviously doesn’t do that.

I think you’re asking if you enter the DDNS url in the custom server login screen of the app, in which case the answer is yes.
If you have a local server (on your home network) and the internet goes down then you’d need to connect your phone to your home Wi-Fi and log out of the app then change the custom server setting to the IP address of your local server.
Unless of course you’ve set-up your own DNS server to re-direct traffic from the DDNS url to your local server IP when connected to the same network.


This is not at all an issue !! Because Blynk is giving us such a good list of features, so paying for the energy is not all a big thing !!!

I noticed a weird thing happening that is, as now i have static ip and port forwarded, i can access the sever as intended !! But now when the internet is down my devices also start to lag(not the blynk app) !! But in the code i have specified the local ip of the server(Rpi0W)… when the internet is down i am not able to get the devices work as it will work normally when internet is up !! (ex push button to turn on a LED)

Yes i was asking about the custom login URL in the app…
And what about the server address in the code? Can i put my DDNS url ? just like we do with blynkcloud ?

You don’t need to use a DDNS service if you have a static IP.
But, if you put your WAN IP in your sketch rather than the LAN IP of your Blynk server then the sketch won’t be able to connect to the Blynk server when the internet is down. Unless of course you add a static routing rule to your router, or set-up your own DNS server on the network. None of these things are necessary if you simply continue to use the LAN IP of your Blynk server in your sketches.


Yes , that is what i am saying. I am using the ip assigned by my router to the rpi server. I am not using my static ip address.

That is why i am thinking how is it effecting my devices even after using internal ip

Buon giorno a tutti voi e grazie sempre per il prezioso contributo !Vi chiedo nel codice come si fa a scrivere Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, “tuo server.no.ip”, 80); poiche il compilatore arduino da errore! Quando utilizziamo il servizio DDNS .Grazie

Well, first of all the standard non-SSL port for the legacy local server is 8080, not port 80.

Secondly, you only need to put the WAN IP or DDNS URL in your Blynk.begin command if the device isn’t on the same network as your server.

If this is the case, and you’ve configured a free DDNS service to give you a DDNS URL like “my_blynk_server@duckdns.org” then your Blynk.begin command would be:

Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, "my_blynk_server@duckdns.org" 8080);

Of course, you need to run a DDNS updater on the network where your local server is located so that the DDNS service always knows what your local server’s public WAN address is.


[quote=“PeteKnight, post:28, topic:39944”]
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, “my_blynk_server@duckdns.org” 8080);

Uploading: no.ip.png…
questo è il msg di errore exit status 1
‘auth’ was not declared in this scope, ma se metto l’indirizzo ip funziona!!

Sorry to annoy you but I can’t write.
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass “nameOfYourServer.ddns.net”, 8080);because the compiler doesn’t accept it .want IP address

You need to replace "nameOfYourServer.ddns.net"with the whatever url you chose when you created your free DDNS account with NoIP.com or duckdns.org

But, as I’ve said multiple times before, you only need to do this if your hardware device is on a different network to your local server.

Also, you need to be running a DDNS update client on a device on the same network as your local server.


È quello che ho fatto …ma il compilatore da errore!accetta solo numeri indirizzi ip .
Questo comando non viene accettato.
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, “ my_blynk_server@noip.biz,8080);.

That’s not really surprising. You have a quotation mark followed by a space that shouldn’t be there, and no matching quotation mark at the end.


Quella virgolette è un’errore di battitura.ma nel codice ho scritto bene .
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass,miosito.noip.biz, 8080);
E il compilatore da errore.
Ma se scrivo cosĂŹ.
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, IPAddress(34, 122, 197, 21), 8080); tutto funziona.

A matching pair of quotation marks are required around the url.


I’m beginning to think that with your lack of IT knowledge you probably ought to give-up on trying to run your own local legacy server.


Il mio server il locale funziona benissimo già. da 1anno ormai ed io con lapp ci raggiungo da remoto con “noip” ,fin qui nessuno problema, il problema fare in modo che dei dispositivi da remoto possono comunicare con il mio server Blynk. ognuno di noi abbiamo delle lacune per questo io vado sempre a testa bassa .io sono molto tenace se qualcuno può aiutarmi lo ringrazio anche per questo esistono anche le comunità.

Try taking a look at one of your sketches that works on the same network as the local server, and just change the single field within the Blynk.begin command that currently points to the internal IP address of the server and replace it wit your no-ip url.
