Local server mail

Hi community !

Since gmail has stopped allowing less secure applications, somebody have some way to send mail ?
In particular to send the reports


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You dont really need to email reports if you use a local server.
Instead, turn-on Raw data storage and the data will be stored in a PostgreSQL database, which can be used as a data source for your favourite reporting tool (Excel maybe?).

This approach also removes the limitations on the number of data points that are included in each CSV report (although that can also be changed via the csv.export.data.points.max setting in the server.properties file.

Of you donā€™t want to go down the Raw route then youā€™ll probably find that the reports are still generated and saved somewhere (reports folder maybe?) and it should be possible to fish them out using a file explorer.

If you do use Raw data storage then make sure you have sufficient suitable storage available, and with a Pi that probably means using an SSD instead of an SD card (which is always a good idea anyway).


have same problem, what we can do, for solve this problem

Thereā€™s nothing you can do as far as Iā€™m aware.

Legacy Local server is no longer supported by Blynk and Gmail has removed the ā€œLess secure appsā€ feature on their personal Gmail subscriptions.

Youā€™ll simply have to live without the email facility.
Things are only going to get worse, as the Legacy apps will be withdrawn from the appstore and playstore at the end of this month, so installation on a new mobile device will be tricky.

Maybe its time to switch to Blynk IoT ?


To send emails via Gmail, you need to create an application password.

To do this, you need to enable 2-Step Verification.
Otherwise, you will not be able to create a password for applications.

Open the Google Account page.
On the navigation bar, select Security.
In the Sign in to Google section, click 2-Step Verification Get Started.
Follow the instructions on the screen.

Then open the Google Account page.
Click Security.
Under ā€˜Google Sign Inā€™, select App passwords. ā€¦
At the bottom of the page, click Application and select an option click Device and select an application.
For Blynk, I chose ā€œotherā€ and wrote ā€œblynkā€.

Enter the resulting sixteen-digit password into the Blynk mail settings file, instead of your account password.

More or less like this:


sorry for google translateā€¦ :frowning:

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