Local Server Help

Hi!! Im new here. well… i just want to ask what is the advantage of making a server ?
Thank You in advance!! :smiley:

You control your own data and info. But there are probably more advantages.

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when i migrated from Blynk Cloud to local server i noticed my app was faster.

but mostly i went to local server because of the time my a tree took out my ISP cable line to our street and took 4 days to repair - i could not control my ventilation system except by going into the attic every time needed to change an inlet/outlet/fan!

at least with local server my ventilation will only stop when there is power outage…

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There is a easier way just swich off your router and teether your phone with same ssid and password as you have done in router. I am guessing you are usiing wifi.:smile:


if you are replying to me, you obviously never lived in the Australian bush…

you are right. I never visited any country out of India.you are lucky enough to live in such a beautiful place

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