Local Blynk Server - Login

What’s the rest of this message? → Their is no more message on my SSH Terminal.

So is that a comment from you, which should have read “there” rather than “their”?


sorry I don´t understand your comment.

This is on my ssh terminal to see:

DS220@DS220:/volume1/Blynk$ java -jar server-0.41.16-java8.jar -dataFolder logs
Error starting Blynk server. Stopping.

All files in the directory Blynk have read and write permission.


The way you presented the data made it appear that “ The directory /Blynk/logs is their” was part of the error message. It seems that it wasn’t, and it’s a comment added by you, which should have read “The directory /Blynk/logs is there”, meaning that the /Blynk/logs folder exists.


Pete I copy my last messages from Terminal:

DS220@DS220:/volume1/Blynk$ ls
apiary.apib integration-tests #recycle
checkstyle.xml license.txt scripts
client logs server
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md mail.properties server-0.41.16.jar
CONTRIBUTING.md new_server_install.md server-0.41.16-java8.jar
docs pom.xml server.properties
@eaDir README.md static
DS220@DS220:/volume1/Blynk$ java -jar server-0.41.16-java8.jar -dataFolder logs
Error starting Blynk server. Stopping.

What does the log file show?

I’ve asked this question three times previously, but you don’t seem to want to reply. Makes it difficult to help track down the issue.


sorry, I have tested it with java -jar server-0.41.16-java8.jar -dataFolder and I get the same result:
Error starting Blynk server. Stopping.

But you’re still appending -dataFolder


I have stopped to install Blynk Server on Synology NAS!

Now I have tried to install local Blynk Server on Raspberry Pi Zero W:
Something is wrong on your tutorial:

You wrote:


and next

<java -jar server-0.41.15-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk

it must be ... 0.41.16-java8.jar ....

Please have a look on my terminal messages:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ java -jar server-0.41.15-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk
Error: Unable to access jarfile server-0.41.15-java8.jar
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ java -jar server-0.41.16-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk

Blynk Server  successfully started.
All server output is stored in folder '/home/pi/logs' file.
Admin password not specified. Random password generated.
Your Admin url is
Your Admin login email is admin@blynk.cc
Your Admin password is d.....a>

I think you need to read the text you’ve just posted, it makes no sense to me.


Pete here you wrote:

wget "https://github.com/Peterkn2001/blynk-server/releases/download/v0.41.16/server-0.41.16-java8.jar"

and in the next tow lines
Run the server on default 'hardware port 8080' and default 'application port 9443' (SSL port)

  java -jar server-0.41.15-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk

please compare "v0.41.16" vs. "0.41.15": 

This wrong version makes this as result
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ java -jar server-0.41.15-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk
Error: Unable to access jarfile server-0.41.15-java8.jar

Okay, I understand now.
GitHub updated to fix the problem.


the install on Rasberry Pi Zero W did not work without
“sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y” after installation Rasbian 2021-05-07-raspios-buster-armhf-lite.zip


the local Blynk Server runs only if I log in over SSH with sssh pi@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and PW
In the contab I have wrote

<@reboot java -jar /home/pi/server-0.41.16-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk &>

That is no good idea I think.

I would like to run the local Blynk server when Raspberry Pi Zero W has voltage.
What can I do?


Sorry Pete, local Blynk Server on NAS don´t work on my installation. I need a turotial which is working and don´t stop the Blynk Server on NAS.

On Raspberry Pi Zero W the local Blynk Server is working.

Thank you for your comment.


@buemo please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and add triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks look like this:


I was very frustrated that the local Blynk Server on Synology NAS was not running. The Sign in in the admin tool was not possible. After many days and hours I stopped installation and handicraft work and deleted the installation.

I installed a Raspberry Pi Zero W with local Blynk Server with the information from Petes Website on github. Some problems must be cleared with “googleing”.
The sketch which was running on Blynk Cloud did not run on local Blynk Server. So some changes in the sketch were nessesary.

Today all is working fine and I will start in the next days build sketches for ESP8266 and ESP32 to run on local Blynk Server.


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In my opinion, the preferred solution: