Leitura terminal

Hello everyone, I made an automation in my house where I use the terminal to see the timer adjustment information and when the lighting is on. However, when I click on the virtual manual button, the light bulb information appears, and when I exit the blynk 2.0 app, the information does not appear only when I click on the manual button again. How should I make this information appear when I leave and enter the app.


Data retention has not yet been implemented.
A labeled value widget can be used instead.

Hello thanks for the reply I use the timer widget to turn on a light at a certain time and day of the week when it is in automatic mode I enter the application after a second the information appears because I am using the timer.setInterval library to check the time in minutes to turn on the lighting I enter the app after a second it gives me the information of the hours that the program there and when I exit and return the same thing but with the manual mode I am not able to do it I click on the button appears the information lightbulb on when I exit the application as I told you in the post above it does not return the information and what would be the labeled widget value

You can try automation as well

The labeled value widget is one of the display widgets that can be used to display incoming data from your sensors or virtual pins.

There is no timer widget in Blynk IoT. Do you mean the Time Input widget?

I’m sure this sentence means something to you, but it makes no sense to me, especially without your sketch, datastream setup information and widget information.

If you wnat assistance from the forum members you really need to try to convey your issue(s) in an understandable way.


Eu quis dizer widget timer input para ser mas explícito. E a função timer.setInterval (10000L, programa_diario); E vc não precisa ser tão arrogante na suas respostas

That’s not a nice thing to say to someone who is trying to help you.

Okay, I’ll avoid replying to your posts in future.
