Ledc error, blynk edgent not initialising

Hi, im using an ESP32-S3-DEV-KIT-N8R8.

I’ve been trying to port my code over to edgent for the wifi and ota features, however whenever i upload my code or even the empty example code with only the led setting changes it results in an ledc not initialized error!

Im using an rgb led connected to gpios 40, 41 and 42.

my Settings.h

 * Board configuration (see examples below).

#if defined(USE_WROVER_BOARD)

  #define BOARD_BUTTON_PIN            15
  #define BOARD_BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW     true

  #define BOARD_LED_PIN_R             0
  #define BOARD_LED_PIN_G             2
  #define BOARD_LED_PIN_B             4
  #define BOARD_LED_INVERSE           false
  #define BOARD_LED_BRIGHTNESS        128

#elif defined(USE_TTGO_T7)

  #warning "This board does not have a button. Connect a button to gpio0 <> GND"

  #define BOARD_BUTTON_PIN            0
  #define BOARD_BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW     true

  #define BOARD_LED_PIN               19
  #define BOARD_LED_INVERSE           false
  #define BOARD_LED_BRIGHTNESS        64

#elif defined(USE_TTGO_T_OI)

  #warning "This board does not have a button. Connect a button to gpio0 <> GND"

  #define BOARD_BUTTON_PIN            0
  #define BOARD_BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW     true

  #define BOARD_LED_PIN               38
  #define BOARD_LED_INVERSE           false
  #define BOARD_LED_BRIGHTNESS        64

#elif defined(USE_ESP32_DEV_MODULE)

  #warning "The LED of this board is not configured"

  #define BOARD_BUTTON_PIN            0
  #define BOARD_BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW     true

#elif defined(USE_ESP32C3_DEV_MODULE)

  #define BOARD_BUTTON_PIN            9
  #define BOARD_BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW     true

  #define BOARD_LED_PIN_WS2812        8
  #define BOARD_LED_INVERSE           false
  #define BOARD_LED_BRIGHTNESS        32

#elif defined(USE_ESP32S2_DEV_KIT)

  #define BOARD_BUTTON_PIN            0
  #define BOARD_BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW     true

  #define BOARD_LED_PIN               19
  #define BOARD_LED_INVERSE           false
  #define BOARD_LED_BRIGHTNESS        128


  #warning "Custom board configuration is used"

  #define BOARD_BUTTON_PIN            0                     // Pin where user button is attached
  #define BOARD_BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW     true                  // true if button is "active-low"

  //#define BOARD_LED_PIN             4                     // Set LED pin - if you have a single-color LED attached
  #define BOARD_LED_PIN_R           42                    // Set R,G,B pins - if your LED is PWM RGB
  #define BOARD_LED_PIN_G           41
  #define BOARD_LED_PIN_B           40
  //#define BOARD_LED_PIN_WS2812      4                     // Set if your LED is WS2812 RGB
  #define BOARD_LED_INVERSE           false                 // true if LED is common anode, false if common cathode
  #define BOARD_LED_BRIGHTNESS        64                    // 0..255 brightness control


 * Advanced options

#define BUTTON_HOLD_TIME_ACTION       10000

#define BOARD_PWM_MAX                 1023

#define BOARD_LEDC_CHANNEL_1          1
#define BOARD_LEDC_CHANNEL_2          2
#define BOARD_LEDC_CHANNEL_3          3
#define BOARD_LEDC_TIMER_BITS         10
#define BOARD_LEDC_BASE_FREQ          12000

#define CONFIG_DEVICE_PREFIX          "Blynk"
#if !defined(CONFIG_AP_URL)
#define CONFIG_AP_URL                 "blynk.setup"
#define CONFIG_DEFAULT_SERVER         "blynk.cloud"
#define CONFIG_DEFAULT_PORT           443

#define WIFI_CLOUD_MAX_RETRIES        500
#define WIFI_NET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT      50000
#define WIFI_AP_IP                    IPAddress(192, 168, 4, 1)
#define WIFI_AP_Subnet                IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0)

//#define USE_TICKER
//#define USE_TIMER_ONE
//#define USE_TIMER_FIVE


#if defined(APP_DEBUG)
  #define DEBUG_PRINT(...)  BLYNK_LOG1(__VA_ARGS__)
  #define DEBUG_PRINTF(...) BLYNK_LOG(__VA_ARGS__)
  #define DEBUG_PRINT(...)
  #define DEBUG_PRINTF(...)

Heres the serial monitor output

11:28:59.337 -> E (1045) ledc: ledc_get_duty(740): LEDC is not initialized

I am also recieving this error during compiling which i assume is just related to the custom board configuration

In file included from C:\Users\Cam Brock\Desktop\Tent Controller\Edgent_ESP32\BlynkEdgent.h:7,
                 from C:\Users\Cam Brock\Desktop\Tent Controller\Edgent_ESP32\Edgent_ESP32.ino:40:
C:\Users\Cam Brock\Desktop\Tent Controller\Edgent_ESP32\Settings.h:66:4: warning: #warning "Custom board configuration is used" [-Wcpp]
   #warning "Custom board configuration is used"
In file included from C:\Users\Cam Brock\Desktop\Tent Controller\Edgent_ESP32\BlynkEdgent.h:41,
                 from C:\Users\Cam Brock\Desktop\Tent Controller\Edgent_ESP32\Edgent_ESP32.ino:40:
C:\Users\Cam Brock\Desktop\Tent Controller\Edgent_ESP32\ConfigStore.h:60:1: warning: missing initializer for member 'ConfigStore::staticGW' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
C:\Users\Cam Brock\Desktop\Tent Controller\Edgent_ESP32\ConfigStore.h:60:1: warning: missing initializer for member 'ConfigStore::staticDNS' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
C:\Users\Cam Brock\Desktop\Tent Controller\Edgent_ESP32\ConfigStore.h:60:1: warning: missing initializer for member 'ConfigStore::staticDNS2' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
C:\Users\Cam Brock\Desktop\Tent Controller\Edgent_ESP32\ConfigStore.h:60:1: warning: missing initializer for member 'ConfigStore::last_error' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]

Any help would be appreciated

Are you sure that these pins really exists? Because i am not able to find it here

im using an esp32 s3 so i was refering to the following pin reference


however i also attempted with other pins which resulted in the same error

Are you using version 3.x.x of the ESP32 core by any chance?


That looks like it could be it, sorry im new to esp. What would be the best way to check the esp core version in arduino ide?

Arduino IDE > Tools > Board > Boards Manager > Search for ESP32

esp32 version 2.0.14 by espressif is what is installed

Okay, so what board type are you choosing?


I have a waveshare esp32-s3-dev-kit-n8r8, in arduino im choosing ESP32S3 Dev Module. I just tried a blank script with the following in the setup function



and it doesnt output the version either

It might be worth reading the LEDC documentation for your chip type…

