4 strips of 192 WS2812b style addressable RGB led encased in a soft, translucent flexible silicon casing making them look very much like a Neon tube.
Leds are controlled by an Arduino Mega and a Wemos D1 mini for wifi control with Blynk.
I programmed about a dozen animation patterns ( monochrome, rainbow, a fire simulation, heartbeat, confettis and a few more…) . I can select any animation for each of the 4 strips and modify their parameters ( base color, color saturation, brightness rate of change, etc… ) with the Blynk app on an Android phone.
I use Serial communication between the! Wemos and the Mega to transfer commands from the Blynk app.
I include a photo of my protoype setup. The 4 strips will ultimately be transferred over to a large square 60" X 60" panel and shaped into a cat’s head, a dogs’ head, a heart and music notes for decorative purpose.