The lcd widget incompletely updates when the phone reconnects to the blynk server. This behaviour is fairly benign but never the less quite annoying if using several lcd.print() s to make up LCD display.
void updateLCD()
lcd.print(0, 1, "IP");
lcd.print(3, 1, WiFi.localIP().toString());
leaves the ip address floating out in mid air on phone reconnect. Testing again with
void updateLCD()
lcd.clear(); //Use it to clear the LCD Widget
lcd.print(0, 0, "A0:");
lcd.print(4, 0, String(voltage, 0));
lcd.print(10, 0, "bit");
leaves the string “bit” floating out at position 10.
Obviously this is easily fixed by adding a regular updateLCD() on a timer but this seems a bit clumsy. Ideally I would like to prevent the LCD from half updating whenever the phone connects to the server . . .