LCD refreshes only with last call to lcd.print() when phone reconnects to Blynk server

The lcd widget incompletely updates when the phone reconnects to the blynk server. This behaviour is fairly benign but never the less quite annoying if using several lcd.print() s to make up LCD display.


void updateLCD()
    lcd.print(0, 1, "IP");
    lcd.print(3, 1, WiFi.localIP().toString());

leaves the ip address floating out in mid air on phone reconnect. Testing again with

void updateLCD()
    lcd.clear(); //Use it to clear the LCD Widget
    lcd.print(0, 0, "A0:");
    lcd.print(4, 0, String(voltage, 0));
    lcd.print(10, 0, "bit");

leaves the string “bit” floating out at position 10.

Obviously this is easily fixed by adding a regular updateLCD() on a timer but this seems a bit clumsy. Ideally I would like to prevent the LCD from half updating whenever the phone connects to the server . . .

Agree. We have a ticket for that already -

I’ll try to fix it in next 0.17.1 server update.

@grieve2774 I just did a fix. If you have local server I can provide you build with fix for verification.


And . . . the problem is gone. 3 hours since my initial post. Thanks Dmitriy.