(Issues connecting) Nano with hc06

hi everyone!!

i build a small project with arduino uno and hc06 bluetooth modul, and everything was fine… i conected the hc06 rx and tx to 0 and 1 on the uno and it worked.
now im trying to work with the nano and can’t find the right sierial pins.

maybe sombody tryed??

what pins did you tried?

This is not a Blynk related question. Have you tried Googling for various similar issues?

Since the 0 and 1 pins are directly tied into the devices USB/Serial interfaces, and they are slightly differing chipsets in both the UNO and Nano, perhaps switch to software serial and use whatever digital pins are convenient.

Also be aware of the voltage differences between the two units, both power and pin level, as that may affect how the bluetooth module works.

i tryed all…the 0 and 1 ,10 and 11 , 2 and 3. but nothing worked

it does related to bling because the sketch frome the library teling you what pins to conect

It’s Blynk. And my Truck’s User’s Manual tells me what oil and how much to use… doesn’t mean I ask for help from the manufacturer if I don’t do the oil change correctly.

Hooking up hardware is still not a directly Blynk related question… But perhaps if you give us a bit more information, like what you are trying to connect to with the BT module, show us this sketch you are referring to, what diagnostics you have already tried and any error messages, were you using SoftwareSerial.h or not, did you switch the RX/TX pins around, BAUD rates, etc.

ok thanks