Hai Everyone
I’m currently working on a project involving the ESP8266 module and Blynk, and I’m encountering some issues with sending HTTP requests to the Blynk cloud server using AT commands.
ESP Module : ESP8266(ESP-01S)
Firmware : AT version: 24 2022 08:56:02)
SDK version:3.0.6-dev(072755c)
compile time:Jun 17 2024 07:37:49
Bin version(Wroom 02):1.7.6
Blynk Token : Ir5N8cHBrjFtzK281pGwRXmgcfp8swfa
> ET /external/api/get?token=Ir5N8cHBrjFtzK281pGwRXmgcfp8swfa&pin=d2
busy s...
Recv 70 bytes
+IPD,152:HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
content-length: 0
location: https://blr1.blynk.cloud/bad-request
access-control-allow-origin: *
connection: close
I’d have expected you to be getting a virtual datastream value rather than a digital datastream value.
Have you tried it with a virtual datastream?
August 8, 2024, 4:23am
just use my WiFiEspAT library. it has an example with Blynk
EDIT: assuming that you use Arduino
dues the http API support insecure connection (http)?
Yes, I tried with virutal datastream
> pi/get?token=IO-ZAz7PAGlfGHvofvldEFgTGxaGtDCV&pin=V0
busy s...
Recv 88 bytes
+IPD,152:HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
content-length: 0
location: https://blr1.blynk.cloud/bad-request
access-control-allow-origin: *
connection: close
Hai jurai,
Thanks for reply…!
Iam new to blynk.
I tried to Interface ESP-01S with LPC2129 ARM-7 and also ESP connect with Blynk Cloud and control from it. ESP-01 connect to LPC2129 via UART.So, I Send the AT Command to ESP from LPC2129 i have issue send and receive data using HTTP request…
So have you actually created a V1 datastream before trying this request?
August 9, 2024, 4:59am
Hai Juraj
unable to connect!
August 10, 2024, 5:44am
sorry. port should be 443
Yes, First I try with Digital pin. after, you suggest to change virtual pin and i also with with it not getting update using AT command
Hai Juraj
Nothing happen to change Port
You haven’t answered my question.
August 11, 2024, 10:46am
the site uses TLS 1.3. the AT 1.7 only support TLS 1.1
# ESP 8266 AT Firmware - modified for TLS 1.2
This firmware comes as an [Arduino esp8266](https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino#arduino-on-esp8266) sketch.
This file refers to version 0.4.0 of the firmware.
## Purpose
The AT firmware provided by Espressif comes with basic TLS ciphersuites only. Especially, the lack of GCM-based ciphersuites makes the SSL part of the Espressif's firmware unusable on more and more web sites. This firmware addresses this issue.
**The goal was to enable all modern ciphersuites implemented in BearSSL library included in esp8266/Arduino project including with some server authentication (server certificate checking).**
The firmware fits into 1024 KB flash and can be run even on ESP-01 module with 8 Mbit flash.
## Description
The firmware does not (and likely will not) implement the whole set of AT commands defined in Espressif's documentation.
The major differences are:
1. Only TCP mode (with or without TLS) is supported, no UDP.
2. In multiplex mode (AT+CIPMUX=1), 5 simultaneous connections are available. Due to memory constraints, there can be only one TLS (SSL) connection at a time with standard buffer size, more concurrent TLS connections can be made with a reduced buffer size (AT+CIPSSLSIZE). When the buffer size is 512 bytes, all 5 concurrent connections can be TLS.
New features:
1. Implemented TLS security with state-of-the-art ciphersuites: certificate fingerprint checking or certificate chain verification.
2. Implemented TLS MFLN check (RFC 3546), setting TLS receive buffer size, checking MFLN status of a connection.
## Status
The firmware is still in work-in-progress state. It has been tested and is running on my devices but there might be deviations from the expected behaviour.
My testing environment uses the [WifiEsp library](https://github.com/bportaluri/WiFiEsp) and also the newer [WiFiEspAT library](https://github.com/jandrassy/WiFiEspAT).
## The Future
Next development will be focused on
1. More complete AT command implementation.
## Installation
There are two options for compiling and flashing this library.
### Arduino IDE
First you have to install [Arduino IDE](https://www.arduino.cc/en/software) and the [core](https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino#installing-with-boards-manager) for the ESP8266 chip. Next get all source files from this repository, place them in a folder named **ESP_ATMod** and compile and upload to your ESP module.
After flashing, the module will open serial connection on RX and TX pins with 115200 Bd, 8 bits, no parity. You can talk with the module using a serial terminal of your choice.
**IMPORTANT NOTE:** From the firmware version 0.4.0 on, you need to use the Arduino Core for 8266 version 3.0+.
### PlatformIO
An alternative to using the Arduino IDE is to use PlatformIO.
1. Install [PlatformIO](https://platformio.org/)
2. Make sure that your device is in flashing mode
3. In your favourite terminal and from the root of this repository, run
the following command to build and upload the sketch to the device:
platformio run --target upload
This has been configured and tested for the ESP-01 Black.
## Add certificates
Certificates are stored in the ESP's filesystem with LittleFS. To add a certificate follow the following steps.
**IMPORTANT: the certifcate must be in .pem format.**
1. Copy the certificate you want to the data directory in ESP_ATMod
2. Install the [LittleFS Filesystem Uploader](https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-esp8266littlefs-plugin#installation)
3. Select Tools > ESP8266 LittleFS Data Upload menu item. This should start uploading the files into ESP8266 flash file system. When done, IDE status bar will display LittleFS Image Uploaded message. Might take a few minutes for large file system sizes.
4. Now upload the ESP_ATMod sketch to the ESP.
5. The certificate(s) you uploaded are now loaded and ready to use (you can check them with [AT+CIPSSLCERT](https://github.com/JiriBilek/ESP_ATMod#atcipsslcert---load-query-or-delete-tls-ca-certificate)).
6. (Optional) You may delete the .gitkeep file in the data directory. It is only there to push and pull the data directory in git. Not deleting the .gitkeep file won't do any harm.
## AT Command List
In the following table, the list of supported AT commands is given. In the comment, only a difference between this implementation and the original Espressif's AT command firmware is given. The commands are implemented according to the Espressif's documentation, including the command order. Please refer to the [Espressif's documentation](https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/4a-esp8266_at_instruction_set_en.pdf) for further information.
AT commands with _DEF and _CUR have (as in the standard AT firmware) an undocumented version without _DEF/CUR for backward compatibility (and forward too since AT 2 doesn't use _DEF/CUR). The command without _DEF/CUR behaves as _CUR for query and as _DEF for set (stores the parameters t
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