Is servers down cant open blynk app

Is servers down can’t open blynk app

@Dmitriy ?? Server down??

Yes, me too…

@Costas server down

Me too, Open Blynk no response.

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Just got response from Pavel, confirmed Asian server offline… Need time for problem solving…

Me too, Open Blynk no response.korea

yes me to server is down, can’t open app

Don’t worry guys Blynk team will fix soon.

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No problems here at this moment. App is working (connected via Node-RED).

Are you using local server??
With nodered

No, using ws:// on a Raspberry PI 3 and Node RED with the blynk_ws extension.
However; yesterday I noticed my Blynk app that worked for months wasn’t working (perhaps for some weeks as I don’t use it daily). The app gave the message “device not connected” and in Node-RED I saw connection errors at every Blynk node.

To fix it, restarting Node RED or the app wasn’t a solution. Not only had to use a different url (/websockets instead of /websocket), but I also needed to recreate my app. Made a new app and added all widgets in the same fashion as what I had before. Then it worked.

When I wrote my previous reply I checked and it still worked, but as I wrote this I did receive a brief off-line notification. Now its working still…

Edit: in another topic it is mentioned the asian server is down. I probably use a european server. When I ping blynk-cloud.com139.59.206.133 replies.

(Edit: and the app still works… :wink: )

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Server ia still down

Its still down isn’t?

yes till down

yes still down

It seems to be an Asian server issue.

See also this topic.

Same issue here, app,ping,telnet and RESTful api not working for me right now. :worried:

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Everything is fine right now,app is running,server is up,sun is shining :grinning: :sunglasses:

Should be fixed now. Sorry for inconveniences.

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