Is it normal to get "Your ESP8266 was disconnected" often?

i get disconnections very often, thinking this was somewhat normal.

but i tried to set up a graph and it never keeps values, so now i think being disconnected is not that normal?

can anyone help me stabilize my connection?

the App updates my values pretty well, but the buttons are very laggy and dont always get the message to teh hardware when they change state?

this is my code:

//primaily, this sketch is to control two ventilation plenum intake actuators,
//so that only the driest air inlet (determined via dew point) is open so the fan can intake the driest air to the basement. 
//it uses the median of the dew point to decide which vent to open.
//it uses three DHT22 sensors to get temp. and humidity to calculate dew point environmental values and the Rob Tillaart 1.13 library for this.
//it also has a sensor inside the plenum for monitoring purposes
//secondarily, it sends data via Blynk app to android phones
//thirdly, it logs to thingspeak channel for datalogging
//Fourthly - it emails and tweets status via Blynk

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial //this is the debugging for Blynk
//#define BLYNK_DEBUG        // Optional, this enables 'full' debugging with detailed prints
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
#include <dht.h> //this is the Rob Tillaart "stable" version
#include "RunningMedian.h"

dht DHT;
WiFiClient client;

RunningMedian samplesRoof = RunningMedian(15);
RunningMedian samplesHouse = RunningMedian(15);
RunningMedian samplesPlenum = RunningMedian(15);
RunningMedian samplesBase = RunningMedian(15);

#define ROOF_DHT22_PIN 12 //DHT22 sensor in roof connected to GPIO12
#define HOUSE_DHT22_PIN 13 //DHT22 sensor in house connected to GPIO13 
#define PLENUM_DHT22_PIN 14 //DHT22 sensor inside plenum connected to GPIO14 
#define BASE_DHT22_PIN 16 //DHT22 sensor in basement connected to GPIO16

const char* ssid = "xxx";
const char* password = "xxx";

const char* serverThingspeak = ""; //this is the Thingspeak address
String apiKeyThingspeak1 = "xxx"; //Basement plenum control channel - roof & house
String apiKeyThingspeak2 = "xxx"; //Basement plenum control channel - plenum & basement

char authBlynk[] = "xxx"; //insert token generated by Blynk

SimpleTimer timer;

int roofVent = 2; // relay for roof vent connected to GPIO2 - ***WARNING GPIO2 is a VERY sensitive pin for boot****
int houseVent = 5; // relay for house vent connected to GPIO5
int ventFan = 4; // relay for ventilation fan connected to GPIO4

int setMaxTemp = 26;
int setAuto;
int setHouseOn;
int setRoofOn;
int setMinTemp = 16;

double roofDewPoint, houseDewPoint, plenumDewPoint, baseDewPoint;
float roofHum, roofTemp, medianRoofDewPoint, houseHum, houseTemp, medianHouseDewPoint;
float plenumHum, plenumTemp, medianPlenumDewPoint, baseHum, baseTemp, medianBaseDewPoint;

BLYNK_WRITE(V22)   // AUTO vent mode
  setAuto = param.asInt();
  if (setAuto == 1) {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V31, 0);  // house
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V23, 0);  // roof
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V21, 0);  // cancel

BLYNK_WRITE(V31)   // HOUSE vent open mode
  setHouseOn = param.asInt();
  if (setHouseOn == 1) {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V23, 0);  // roof
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V22, 0);  // auto
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V21, 0);  // cancel

BLYNK_WRITE(V23)   // ROOF vent open mode
  setRoofOn = param.asInt();
  if (setRoofOn == 1) {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V31, 0);  // house
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V22, 0);  // auto
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V21, 0);  // cancel

void runningMedian() { //does all the DHT22 sensor readings and calculates the running median
  int chk;
  Serial.println(F("Starting the running median section..."));
  delay(1800); //helps the DHT22 to work properly - it needs this long to get organised

  //basement DHT22 section

  chk = DHT.read22(BASE_DHT22_PIN); // READ DATA from BASEMENT sensor
  baseHum = DHT.humidity;
  baseTemp = DHT.temperature;
  baseDewPoint = dewPoint(DHT.temperature, DHT.humidity);
  medianBaseDewPoint = samplesBase.getMedian();
  BLYNK_LOG("read BASE DHT22 done");

  Serial.println(F("Basement readings"));
  Serial.print(F("Basement Dew Point (median):"));

  //roof DHT22 section

  chk = DHT.read22(ROOF_DHT22_PIN); // READ DATA from ROOF sensor
  roofHum = DHT.humidity;
  roofTemp = DHT.temperature;
  roofDewPoint = dewPoint(DHT.temperature, DHT.humidity);
  medianRoofDewPoint = samplesRoof.getMedian();
  samplesRoof.add(roofDewPoint); // this is the Running Median command
  BLYNK_LOG("read ROOF DHT22 done");

  Serial.println(F("Roof readings"));
  Serial.print(F("Roof Dew Point (median):"));

  delay(1800); //helps the DHT22 to work properly - it needs this long to get organised

  //house DHT22 section

  chk = DHT.read22(HOUSE_DHT22_PIN); // READ DATA from HOUSE sensor
  houseHum = DHT.humidity;
  houseTemp = DHT.temperature;
  houseDewPoint = dewPoint(DHT.temperature, DHT.humidity);
  medianHouseDewPoint = samplesHouse.getMedian();
  BLYNK_LOG("read HOUSE DHT22 done");

  Serial.println(F("House readings"));
  Serial.print(F("House Dew Point (median):"));

  //plenum DHT22 section

  chk = DHT.read22(PLENUM_DHT22_PIN); // READ DATA from PLENUM sensor
  plenumHum = DHT.humidity;
  plenumTemp = DHT.temperature;
  plenumDewPoint = dewPoint(DHT.temperature, DHT.humidity);
  medianPlenumDewPoint = samplesPlenum.getMedian();
  BLYNK_LOG("read PLENUM DHT22 done");

  Serial.println(F("Plenum readings"));
  Serial.print(F("Plenum Dew Point (median):"));


void dataLogging() { //sends the variables to Blynk and Thingspeak
  Serial.println(F("Starting data logging function (Blynk then Thingspeak)"));

  long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, rssi); // this sends the WiFi Signal Strenght to Blynk

  long uptime = millis() / 60000;
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V20, uptime); // this sends the program uptime to Blynk

  Serial.println(F("Sending to Blynk - ROOF readings:"));
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V10, roofHum); // this sends the reading to the Blynk virtual pin
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V11, roofTemp); // this sends the reading to the Blynk virtual pin
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V16, medianRoofDewPoint); // this sends the calculation to the Blynk virtual pin
  Serial.print(F("Roof Dew Point (median):"));

  Serial.println(F("Sending to Blynk - HOUSE readings:"));
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V12, houseHum ); // this sends the reading to the Blynk virtual pin
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V13, houseTemp); // this sends the reading to the Blynk virtual pin
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V17, medianHouseDewPoint); // this sends the calculation to the Blynk virtual pin
  Serial.print(F("House Dew Point (median):"));

  Serial.println(F("Sending to Blynk - PLENUM readings:"));
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, plenumHum); // this sends the reading to the Blynk virtual pin
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, plenumTemp); // this sends the reading to the Blynk virtual pin
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V18, medianPlenumDewPoint); // this sends the calculation to the Blynk virtual pin
  Serial.print(F("Plenum Dew Point (median):"));

  Serial.println(F("Sending to Blynk - BASEMENT readings:"));
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, baseHum ); // this sends the reading to the Blynk virtual pin
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, baseTemp); // this sends the reading to the Blynk virtual pin
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V19, medianBaseDewPoint); // this sends the calculation to the Blynk virtual pin
  Serial.print(F("Basement Dew Point (median):"));

  Serial.println(F("Just finished the data logging Blynk section"));

  Serial.println(F("Preparing Thingspeak readings"));

  if (client.connect(serverThingspeak, 80))
    String postStr = apiKeyThingspeak1;
    postStr += "&field1=";
    postStr += String(roofTemp);
    postStr += "&field2=";
    postStr += String(roofHum);
    postStr += "&field3=";
    postStr += String(roofDewPoint);
    postStr += "&field4=";
    postStr += String(houseTemp);
    postStr += "&field5=";
    postStr += String(houseHum);
    postStr += "&field6=";
    postStr += String(houseDewPoint);
    postStr += "&field7=";
    postStr += String(medianRoofDewPoint);
    postStr += "&field8=";
    postStr += String(medianHouseDewPoint);
    postStr += "\r\n\r\n";

    client.print("POST /update HTTP/1.1\n");
    client.print("Connection: close\n");
    client.print("X-THINGSPEAKAPIKEY: " + apiKeyThingspeak1 + "\n");
    client.print("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n");
    client.print("Content-Length: ");
    Serial.println(F("Just uploaded to Thingspeak Channel ID: 76725"));


  if (client.connect(serverThingspeak, 80))
    String postStr = apiKeyThingspeak2;
    postStr += "&field1=";
    postStr += String(plenumTemp);
    postStr += "&field2=";
    postStr += String(plenumHum);
    postStr += "&field3=";
    postStr += String(plenumDewPoint);
    postStr += "&field4=";
    postStr += String(baseTemp);
    postStr += "&field5=";
    postStr += String(baseHum);
    postStr += "&field6=";
    postStr += String(baseDewPoint);
    postStr += "&field7=";
    postStr += String(medianPlenumDewPoint);
    postStr += "&field8=";
    postStr += String(medianBaseDewPoint);
    postStr += "\r\n\r\n";

    client.print("POST /update HTTP/1.1\n");
    client.print("Connection: close\n");
    client.print("X-THINGSPEAKAPIKEY: " + apiKeyThingspeak2 + "\n");
    client.print("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n");
    client.print("Content-Length: ");
    Serial.println(F("Just uploaded to Thingspeak Channel ID: 80158"));
    BLYNK_LOG("Finished dataLogging function");

void tweetUptime() { //sends tweet of status
  long uptime = millis() / 60000L * 3L;
  BLYNK_LOG("Tweeting every 30 minutes ;)");
  Blynk.tweet(String("Basement: Controller running for ") + uptime + " minutes.");

void autoVentLogic()
  Serial.println(F("Starting the ventilation logic section. "));
  Serial.print(F("_________________________SetMaxTemp (max. inlet temp) = "));

  //Auto mode - ERROR situation - sensor malfunction

  if ((houseTemp < 0)  || (roofTemp < 0)  || (baseTemp < 0))
    digitalWrite(roofVent, LOW); // roof vent closed
    digitalWrite(houseVent, LOW); // house vent closed
    digitalWrite(ventFan, HIGH); // ventilation fan is OFF
    Serial.println(F("system = ERROR - some/all temps are below 0 'C - CHECK SENSORS"));

    Blynk.virtualWrite(6, 1023); //off LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(7, 1023); //hse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(8, 1023); //rof LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(9, 1023); //bse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.tweet((String("Basement: AUTO.ERROR! - DewPoint's = R: ") + medianRoofDewPoint + (" H: ") + medianHouseDewPoint + (" P: ") + medianPlenumDewPoint + (" B: ") + medianBaseDewPoint) + ("'C"));

  //Auto mode - roof vent  air has lowest dew point scenario:

  else if ((roofTemp < setMaxTemp) && (roofTemp > setMinTemp) && (medianHouseDewPoint > medianRoofDewPoint) && (medianBaseDewPoint > medianRoofDewPoint))
    digitalWrite(roofVent, HIGH); // roof vent OPEN
    digitalWrite(houseVent, LOW); // house vent closed
    digitalWrite(ventFan, LOW); // house vent ON
    Serial.println(F("system = ROOF air inlet selected based on lowest Dew Point"));

    Blynk.virtualWrite(6, 0); //off LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(7, 0); //hse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(8, 1023); //rof LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(9, 0); //bse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.tweet((String("Basement: AUTO.ROOF - DewPoint's = R: ") + medianRoofDewPoint + (" H: ") + medianHouseDewPoint + (" P: ") + medianPlenumDewPoint + (" B: ") + medianBaseDewPoint) + ("'C"));


  //Auto mode - house vent air has lowest dew point scenario:

  else if ((houseTemp < setMaxTemp)  && (houseTemp > setMinTemp) && (medianRoofDewPoint >= medianHouseDewPoint) && (medianBaseDewPoint >= medianHouseDewPoint))
    digitalWrite(roofVent, LOW); // roof vent closed
    digitalWrite(houseVent, HIGH); // house vent OPEN
    digitalWrite(ventFan, LOW); // house vent ON
    Serial.println(F("system = HOUSE air inlet selected based on lowest Dew Point"));

    Blynk.virtualWrite(6, 0); //off LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(7, 1023); //hse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(8, 0); //rof LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(9, 0); //bse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.tweet((String("Basement: AUTO.HOUSE - DewPoint's = R: ") + medianRoofDewPoint + (" H: ") + medianHouseDewPoint + (" P: ") + medianPlenumDewPoint + (" B: ") + medianBaseDewPoint) + ("'C"));

  //Auto mode - basement room air has lowest dew point scenario:

  else if ((medianRoofDewPoint > medianBaseDewPoint) && (medianHouseDewPoint > medianBaseDewPoint))
    digitalWrite(roofVent, LOW); // roof vent closed
    digitalWrite(houseVent, LOW); // house vent closed
    digitalWrite(ventFan, HIGH); // ventilation fan is off
    Serial.println(F("system = BASEMENT air has the lowest Dew Point - system OFF, both vents closed."));

    Blynk.virtualWrite(6, 0); //off LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(7, 0); //hse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(8, 0); //rof LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(9, 1023); //bse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.tweet((String("Basement: AUTO. System off - DewPoint's = R: ") + medianRoofDewPoint + ("H: ") + medianHouseDewPoint + ("P: ") + medianPlenumDewPoint + ("B: ") + medianBaseDewPoint) + ("'C"));

//Manual mode - roof vent open, fan on

void roofVentOn()
  if (setRoofOn == 1)
    digitalWrite(roofVent, HIGH); // roof vent OPEN
    digitalWrite(houseVent, LOW); // house vent closed
    digitalWrite(ventFan, LOW); // house vent ON
    Serial.println(F("system = Roof Manual - ROOF inlet is open, FAN is on"));

    Blynk.virtualWrite(6, 1023); //off LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(7, 0); //hse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(8, 1023); //rof LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(9, 0); //bse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.tweet((String("Basement: MAN.ROOF - DewPoint's = R: ") + medianRoofDewPoint + (" H: ") + medianHouseDewPoint + (" P: ") + medianPlenumDewPoint + (" B: ") + medianBaseDewPoint) + ("'C"));

//Manual mode - house vent open, fan on

void houseVentOn()
  if (setHouseOn == 1)
    digitalWrite(roofVent, LOW); // roof vent CLOSED
    digitalWrite(houseVent, HIGH); // house vent OPEN
    digitalWrite(ventFan, LOW); // house vent ON
    Serial.println(F("system = House Manual - HOUSE inlet is open, FAN is on"));

    Blynk.virtualWrite(6, 1023); //off LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(7, 1023); //hse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(8, 0); //rof LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.virtualWrite(9, 0); //bse LED on Blynk app
    Blynk.tweet((String("Basement: MAN.HOUSE - DewPoint's = R: ") + medianRoofDewPoint + (" H: ") + medianHouseDewPoint + (" P: ") + medianPlenumDewPoint + (" B: ") + medianBaseDewPoint) + ("'C"));

void setup()
  Serial.println(F("BASEMENT VENTILATION PLENUM CONTROLLER - with Thingspeak & Blynk & Running Median & Twitter"));
  Serial.print(F("File name: "));
  Serial.print(F("DHT LIBRARY VERSION: "));
  Serial.print(F("Running Median Version: "));

  Blynk.begin(authBlynk, ssid, password);

  while (!Blynk.connect()) {
    //Wait until connected
    Serial.print(F(". "));

  Serial.println(F("Found some WiFi!"));
  long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
  Serial.print(F("WiFi signal strength (RSSI): "));
  Serial.println(F(" dBm"));

  bool isFirstConnect = true; // Keep this flag not to re-sync on every reconnection

  BLYNK_CONNECTED(); // This function will run every time Blynk initial connection is established
    if (isFirstConnect) {
      Blynk.syncAll(); // where is the sync.All function supposed to go?
      isFirstConnect = false;

  Serial.println(F("Blynk syncAll done! We operate under <SimpleTimer.h> now:"));

  timer.setInterval(29000, runningMedian); // Setup the running median function to be called every 29 seconds
  Serial.println(F("SimpleTimer begins runningMedian() at 29000 millisecond intervals..."));
  timer.setInterval(121000, dataLogging); // Setup the data logging function to be called every 121 seconds (2 mins)
  Serial.println(F("SimpleTimer begins dataLogging() at 121000 millisecond intervals..."));
  timer.setInterval(450000, autoVentLogic); // Setup ventilation logic function to be called every 450 seconds (7.5 minutes)
  Serial.println(F("SimpleTimer begins autoVentLogic() at 450000 millisecond intervals..."));
  timer.setInterval(600000, tweetUptime); // Setup Twitter uptime function to be called every 600 seconds (10 minutes)
  Serial.println(F("SimpleTimer begins tweetUptime() at 600000 millisecond intervals..."));

  pinMode(roofVent, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(houseVent, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ventFan, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(roofVent, LOW);
  digitalWrite(houseVent, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ventFan, HIGH);


void loop()
{; // Initiates Blynk; // Initiates SimpleTimer

/*-----( Declare User-written Functions )-----*/

// dewPoint function NOAA
// reference (1) :
// reference (2) :
double dewPoint(double celsius, double humidity)
  // (1) Saturation Vapor Pressure = ESGG(T)
  double RATIO = 373.15 / (273.15 + celsius);
  double RHS = -7.90298 * (RATIO - 1);
  RHS += 5.02808 * log10(RATIO);
  RHS += -1.3816e-7 * (pow(10, (11.344 * (1 - 1 / RATIO ))) - 1) ;
  RHS += 8.1328e-3 * (pow(10, (-3.49149 * (RATIO - 1))) - 1) ;
  RHS += log10(1013.246);

  // factor -3 is to adjust units - Vapor Pressure SVP * humidity
  double VP = pow(10, RHS - 3) * humidity;

  // (2) DEWPOINT = F(Vapor Pressure)
  double T = log(VP / 0.61078); // temp var
  return (241.88 * T) / (17.558 - T);

/* ( THE END ) */

are there things in the code that are making the Blynk app perform poorly?

is it the Thingspeak code in the dataLogging() section?

if so - how could i amend it?

Well, laggy buttons etc. usually indicate a bad connection, but I’m thinking it’s more of a wifi interference thing than a Blynk thing. This is, however, very difficult to diagnose. Can you try moving the ESP closer to the accesspoint or get your hands on a Arduino with ethernet shield? That may be more stable.

What you also can do, and I usually do that, is make all the Serial.println statements conditional. A.k.a.

if(debug == 1) { Serial.println("Only when debug is on"); }

It may help stabilize your program. Assuming the serial doesn’t really do anything useful when the program runs :slight_smile:

to be honest, the App it just is acting very weird.

i have disabled all the thingspeak stuff, all the running median stuff, running literally next to the router, and it is just not right…

here is a sample of the output:

ever since i upgraded the App to 0.3.3. just not right… in fact - my GPIO4 has actually stopped working, is that weird???

i have changed the Virtual button assignments so much, it seems like it is just confused?

if i uninstall and reinstall the app - i will lose everything right?

it might be well worth it to start over…???

if you reinstall the App, your dashboard will stay because that is server-side. But it may be prudent to start over and eliminate any stuff creeping in from all the testing.

OK, so i started a new Blynk account, added in all my Value Display’s and Buttons and tried afresh… still slow and disconnecting…

i have a arduino Mega and W5100 in the post… maybe going Ethernet will help?

but seriously - it WAS working for over 10’000 hours… (i know - Twitter tells me so…)

and there’s nothing in my code that jumps out at you?

Not really, bur I havent looked at it really closely, but if your code hasn’t changed it’s not likely to be in there, but it could be in conjuction with an update or something.

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Are you sure you’re not flooding our server? We have put some limit on the amount of values transferred per second.

How can I know if i am flooding a server?

Where is this warning displayed once I start flooding the server?

What is the limit?

How do I avoid reaching this limit?

Pelase read this section - usually it helps a lot.

All that helps with is the conclusion that I should be using local server?

No detailed explanation of flooding,

It says "avoid sending data too fast "

So how fast is too fast?

Then it says “you should user simpletimer”

As you can see I use simple timer.

But everytime I press a button, it calls blynk to update the app LEDS, if I press the buttons 3 times in 4 secinds, will that cause flooding?

Why is there no way of being notified of flooding error?

Why is there no discussion of the widget READING FREQUENCY?

It is default set to 1 second , is that too fast? Should I set it to 60 seconds?

I just you pointed to “what flood error is”. With debug enabled you’ll see it in serial output, but look like this is not your case.


It is really depends on your hardware. Usually this is not a problem. But if you have let’s say 20 such widgets it could be a problem for ESP.

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Flooding error shows up in serial? Ok, i have never seen it, so that’s good!

So it really is pointing more to be the WiFi ?

My signal is around -70 to 80dBm…

And just a coincidence it got worse on the app update day…

I am getting my w5100 shield soon, we’ll know for sure once i put it into the project!

Local server won’t really help will it?

Well. It is displayed there only if flood is caused from hardware side. But it is also could be caused from App side :slightly_smiling:. In that case there is no way to find it.

Mos probably yes.

Local server is very good for finding possible problems. As you could turn on trace level and see exactly what is happening. It doesn’t mean it will resolve your issue, but may be helpful.

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I’d start by getting rid of the ‘delay(1800)’ for sure, and make sure you’re setting your Blynk widgets updates to ‘PUSH’ wherever you can (and obviously make sure you’re PUSHing the data).

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OK, will try it, but the DHT22 needs a second or so to get organised.

I might need to get inventive with the timer.setTimeout to do it? especially with the basement sensor - it is on 15m of Cat5 cable…

sorry, is this in the app or the software?

-70 is REALLY bad. I’d see if you can get that up to at least -65. -80 is probably not workable.

1 Like

here is a video showing the frequency of the disconnects, i am 5m from the router and have -61dBm strength:

is this normal? It disconnected 3 times in 60 seconds…

i will remove the delays() and see how it goes…

That shouldn’t happen as far as I know unless you live in a REALLY weird area like Area51 or something.

-61 should be reasonably ok and definitely should work fine for wifi signal. Could still be a hardware issue though, that is the only thing I can come up with now.


@Dave1829 observations:

The ESP’s should stay connected for days not seconds. Which ESP are you using

You are asking a lot of the ESP with Blynk and thingspeak. Do you really need thingspeak as Blynk has all your data on their server?

I know they say temperature sensors do need up to 1000 milliseconds to take their readings but we use 100 milliseconds and our Dallas DS18B20’s seem fine with this. Like you we read the temperature at 30 second intervals but each of your readings have a 3.6 second delay (for the 2 sensors).

IF you found you needed longer than 0.1 seconds to read the sensor it would be better to have separate timers for the 2 sensors so you are not accumulating the delays (to 3.6 seconds as you currently have it).

Blynk has a 5 to 10 second timeout so at the 5 second level you have used 72% of the timeout reading the sensors. Pretty sure this is the reason for you disconnects as your WiFi signal should be ok at a 5m distance.

Use PUSH for the data frequencies as Blynk knows best.

What app did you use to record the video?