Is Having Issues?


Connected to - very intermittent ping.

Devices in the app constantly connecting/disconnecting.

Web console page unavailable, then suddenly appears, then disappears.

Behaviors’ started about 30 minutes ag that I first noticed.


Hello. Nothing suspicious on our side. A few days ago our cloud provider had an issue with networking, but they were resolved. The server doesn’t show any traffic drop currently. How does ping looks like on your side?

Hi, resolved now, lasted for about 30 minutes. During that time ping was very intermittent - sometimes stable, sometimes timeout. Really strange and never seen this before.

Many ping to other sites and ookla speed test were normal.

Who knows, one of those things.

Noticed though that I am in AU but am connected to ny3 server, is that correct? Ping for me to ny3 is about 250ms. Ping to "local’ sgp1 server is about 95ms. Am I on the correct server?


We use AWS geo dns, so it’s AWS decides what region to select based on your IP. This selection is not very precise, so some users may end-up on the non the closed server. Currently we don’t have an API to fully transfer the user from one region to another. Maybe someday.

Hello @Dmitriy, @Bill_Donnelly,

Just weighing in here to say that I am in NZ and have also been assigned to ny3,

my Ping is usually in the range 270 - 370ms, worst I have seen is 1500ms.



that’s possible as we use geo dns that is based on IP. That is not always precise.