Hello, all my devices today could not connect to blynk-cloud.
I thouth something was with wi-fi connection.
I connected one of my device to computer and started debug.
i’ve checked on library versions 0.5.2 and 0.5.3 - result is the same -no connection.
[18631] Connecting to ZTE-c9a7f2
[23633] Connected to WiFi
[23633] IP:
___ __ __
/ _ )/ /_ _____ / /__
/ _ / / // / _ \/ '_/
/____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
/___/ v0.5.3 on NodeMCU
Give Blynk a Github star! => https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library
[23646] Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:80
[36504] Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:80
[49541] Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:80
my ping output:
C:\Users\Ivan>ping blynk-cloud.com
Обмен пакетами с blynk-cloud.com [] с 32 байтами данных:
Ответ от число байт=32 время=56мс TTL=55
Ответ от число байт=32 время=55мс TTL=55
Ответ от число байт=32 время=55мс TTL=55
Ответ от число байт=32 время=58мс TTL=55
Статистика Ping для
Пакетов: отправлено = 4, получено = 4, потеряно = 0
(0% потерь)
Приблизительное время приема-передачи в мс:
Минимальное = 55мсек, Максимальное = 58 мсек, Среднее = 56 мсек
Seems something was messed with my wifi router (but i didn’t make any changes in the config). I have reset it to default state and reconfigured wifi with the same credentials. And then everything worked as expected. I don’t know what was the reason.