Iphone+macmini+arduinouno = no connection

Maybe try this tutorial by a smart kid?

Thanksā€¦ that seems a nice description but it doesnā€™t work on the Mac. I canā€™t get the blynk-ser.sh script to run in terminal. And it is quite unclear where to find the port number and paste it.

Could you explain what do you do step by step and post what output you get?
Maybe record a video of the process?

Do you have Socat installed?

We would really like to help, but itā€™s hard to do online :wink:

Oh, you can join our slack channel for a live communication. If there will be someone at that moment. If itā€™s something you would like - please pm me your email

when i try to run .blynk-ser.sh
I keep getting permissions denied

Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$ cd ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries/blynk-library-0.3.1/scripts/
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$ ls
README.md blynk blynk-ser.bat blynk-ser.sh blynk_ctrl.py certs com2tcp.exe gateway.py
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$ ./blynk-ser.sh
-bash: ./blynk-ser.sh: Permission denied

should i move to a different place or re-install?

You need just to run it with ā€œsudoā€

sudo ./blynk-ser.sh

Or grant right for script execution to yourself.

in response - thanks for your help

Peters-Mac-mini-i7:~ Dalglish$ cd ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries/blynk-library-0.3.1/scripts
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$ sudo ./blynk-ser.sh
sudo: ./blynk-ser.sh: command not found
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$

Please try ā€œsudo blynk-ser.shā€ maybe it will help.

Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$ sudo blynk-ser.sh
sudo: blynk-ser.sh: command not found
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$

Ok letā€™s try another option. When you are in scripts folder execute :

chmod 777 blynk-ser.sh

Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$ chmod 777 blynk-ser.sh
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$ ./blynk-ser.sh
[ Press Ctrl+C to exit ]
This script uses socat utility, but could not find it.

Try installing it using this guide: http://www.xappsoftware.com/wordpress/2013/10/10/how-to-run-socat-on-mac-os-x/
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$

This is correct. Please follow instructions.

@Dmitriy you might want to mention socat in your online guides, sketches and instructables.

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I placed download into the same ā€˜scriptsā€™ folder

Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$ socat-2.0.0-b9.tar.gz
-bash: socat-2.0.0-b9.tar.gz: command not found
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$

You need to untar (unzip) the file. Is 7z.zip or similar available for those Apple type devices?

Peters-Mac-mini-i7:scripts Dalglish$ cd socat-2.0.0-b9
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:socat-2.0.0-b9 Dalglish$

then what do i run?

Hope you son appreciates all you are trying to do for him.

You might need to chmod 777 socat but then you are back to the original Blynk script. Because you have already done the chmod on the script it is just:


Donā€™t forget the leading fullstop.

i seeā€¦ i run

make install

Peters-Mac-mini-i7:socat-2.0.0-b9 Dalglish$ ./configure
checking which defines needed for makedependā€¦
checking for a BSD-compatible installā€¦ /usr/bin/install -c
checking for gccā€¦ gcc
checking whether the C compiler worksā€¦ no
configure: error: in /Users/Dalglish/Documents/Arduino/libraries/blynk-library-0.3.1/scripts/socat-2.0.0-b9': configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables Seeconfig.logā€™ for more details
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:socat-2.0.0-b9 Dalglish$ make
xcode-select: note: no developer tools were found at ā€˜/Applications/Xcode.appā€™, requesting install. Choose an option in the dialog to download the command line developer tools.
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:socat-2.0.0-b9 Dalglish$ su
su: Sorry
Peters-Mac-mini-i7:socat-2.0.0-b9 Dalglish$

it asks me to download developer tools! ā€¦ I this would really slow down my macā€¦ Xcode made it run really slow in the past.

Itā€™s the only way to get it working, besides buying an ethernet shield or wifi shield for your Arduino, which is ultimately a better idea in any case :slight_smile:

I bought the ethernet shield as described earlier in my thread but that failed to work on the mac. I was instructed to follow usb route.:confused: