Iphone blynk app problems

I am a maker user, I defined my wife and son as users, I shared the divices with them, they are using iPhones, after a few days, the Blynk app on their phones is also deleted shared devices…why Idon know do you have any idea?
best regards and merry chistmas all

What exactly does this mean?


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Hi Pete thanks for quickly answer I will try to explain with a simple example.

For example, I made a simple circuit to turn a lamp on and off and prepared a template on my phone (Android). I matched the circuit with the template and then shared this lamp device with my son (dashborad–>device tree point and transfer).

My son sees the device blynk application on his iPhone and he can use it, but when he enters the blynk application the next day, he receives a message saying “no any device”

I hope I could explain it, ( I used Google Traslate)


That’s not sharing, it’s transferring g ownership of the device.

Who does Blynk show as being the owner of the device?


sorry I seen device owner my wife

Do you mean OWNER?


sorry Pete I edit my last post and add screeshot asli is all device owner

And who is asli?


asli is my wife…

I think only one person can owner a device, not two people. is it corrct ?



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I understand now, thank you very much for your time and help and have a happy new year.