iOS beta version about to expire

Anyone else have the beta version, mine seems about to expire. I was wondering if it’s no longer supported or maybe some delay.

Thanks Blynkers

I think TestFlight only allows a 30 day beta testing period, so @Eugene usually publishes a new version just before the old one expires.


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A new version is now available in TestFlight. Looks like the TestFlight limit is 90 days.
Thanks @Eugene


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Yes I saw that this morning thanks, I guess there are more important things to be worrying about today!

Thanks @Eugene


@Eugene the latest Blynk iOS beta has expired in TestFlight.
Could you issue a new one please?



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I’ve stopped using the beta for this reason to be honest. Now I’m just a regular user :face_vomiting:

Hi Pete.
I wonder if we need keep the beta testing group. :thinking:

New build would be nearly identical to the one in App Store, there are no plans on development here in future, and the blynk 2.0 application would be a separate app…

Okay, I thought there were some differences with the beta version.
