If i need to install Local Blynk Server to write ip address and my own mac address in my code or not?

I ask if i need to install Local Blynk Server to write ip address and my own mac address in my code or not ??
i try to find solution for my problem … some help is good please

I moved your question into it’s own topic, please don’t spam multiple topics with same question.

You didn’t mention why you are trying to write your IP and MAC address into your sketch… I am guessing because of using an Ethernet adapter shield?

The answer is NO, you do not need Local Server.

The basic Blynk.begin() will assume cloud server (blynk-cloud.com - which you can also ping from your PC to get the actual IP if you need) and you can dictate your own MAC address with a command… check Google for all that information: i.e.

