I just bought the ESP32 with the built in OLED. I do have a couple issues though that I can’t figure out

This is exactly the sketch I’ve been looking for. I just bought the ESP32 with the built in OLED. I do have a couple issues though that I can’t figure out. The device boots up and successfully connects to the internet and my phone sees that it is connected as well in the Blynk app. However I am not able to control any pins in the Blynk app. When the device boots I see a line that says, “Invalid HW cmd: pm”. When I try to send any signal through the Blynk app the serial monitor shows a new error line every time I press a button and it says, “Invalid HW cmd: dw” I figure pm means pinMode and dw means digitalWrite. For poops and giggles I put the pinMode(13, OUTPUT); in the sketch in case I needed to call it out. Which I didn’t think I needed to based on previous experiences with the ESP8266 chip and Blynk. It didn’t change anything. All I am trying to do right now is blink an LED on pin 13 just to verify that the app and the device work together before I start wiring up my project. The only things I’ve modified on the sketch is my auth code, SSID, and password. I haven’t touched anything else and it doesn’t seem to work. Am I missing something?

@ChickenChaser You will be better off creating your own “help” Topic, referencing this one, and including your code as however little you have modified it (well, block any personal password info etc :wink: ). That way any further troubleshooting need not clutter up the original Project topic.

I have created such and moved your post accordingly.

BTW, this particular project is rather complex for a beginner with ESP32. You might want to start with something more basic to start.

BTW, the Library will generally take care of pinMode() type references with using direct GPIO control from the App (AKA “No coding required” method). But it is still best when using custom code and VirtualPins, to follow the usual Arduino requirements with things like pinMode().