I get an error when using the live stream widget

I have successfully livestreamed the video to the web server using flask. But when I paste it into the widget, it just buffering and blinks continuously. Why ?

Is your web stream URL publicly resolvable?


I am using the same wifi network. On the blynk app on iPhone, it waits for 1 second and then disconnects, but on Android, the screen is black but nothing appears

In Blynk IoT the URL needs to be publicly resolvable, not simply on the same local network that your mobile device is connected to.


In the same network in esp32 the cam works again. But when I use raspberry pi live stream FLASK it doesn’t work in blynk iot

I don’t understand your latest post.


I use the local network on esp32cam blynk Iot and it still works. But when I live on raspberry pi using Flask, the Blynk Iot app doesn’t work. Why ?

I don’t know why your ESP32 Cam works with a local URL with the Blynk Video Streaming widget.


Please give me a solution to upload video from raspberry pi webcam to blynk app

Make sure that the video format is compatible with the Blynk widget, and make the URL publicly resolvable.
