I can't connect my esp8266 with blynk on arduino

this is what I get:

[275150] Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:80
[275563] Invalid auth token

That’s the Blynk Legacy server.

The error is occurs because you’re trying to pass a Blynk IoT Auth token to the legacy server, and the legacy server doesn’t recognise the Auth token, because the two systems are totally unconnected.

This is happening because either you don’t have the latest Blynk library installed (1.0.1) or you don’t have the #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID and #define BLYNK_DEVICE_NAME lines at the very top of your sketch.

If you’d included the full serial output then we’d be able to which library version you have installed, but you only included part of the output.


I fixed everything and now everything works but thanks to a shared connection with my smartphone. It works I was able to connect to the blynk servers and finish my code. Now I would like to connect to my freebox V5 and I don’t know why the esp can’t connect