Huge Blynk Library update! v0.5.0 [Arduino, PlatformIO, Particle, MBED, OpenWrt]

PlatformIO, Particle, ARM mbed and OpenWRT packages have been updated accordingly.

In this release

  • General improvements

    • Forget about “flood errors”. Probably :wink:
    • Library is now easier to port/run on 3rd party hardware
    • We now use a single implementation of BlynkFifo
    • Better diagnostic/debug prints
    • NeoPixel lib is no longer included in Blynk release zip package.
  • New hardware support:

    • ESP32
      • Bluetooth LE initial support + example
      • SSL (secure connection) support + example
      • App Export example for ESP32 (with WiFi credentials provisioning)
    • ESP8266
      • SSL stability improvement (still not perfect due to a bug in ESP Core)
      • SSL now checks certificate chain (previously fingerprint was used). Needs 2.4.0-rc2
      • BIG stability improvements in Shield mode (AT commands)
    • Realtek RTL8710 / Ameba support
    • Arduino UNO WiFi support
    • WIZnet WizFi310 support
    • Improved ARM mbed support
    • Improved Linux support
    • All frameworks are now enabled for PlatformIO library
  • Bugfixes:

    • Unexpected “Login timeout” during redirect (#374)
    • 100% CPU load on linux/raspberry
    • Compile Error with Arduino 101 (#369). Please keep in mind that #304 is still there…
    • Call BLYNK_DISCONNECTED() on unsuccessful write (#371)
    • RFDuino uses BLEPeripheral now
    • Travis CI build is fixed

Full list of supported hardware is here.

Grab the update here:

:star2: BTW, if you like Blynk, don’t forget to give us a github star! :star2:

Please post your feedbacks in this topic.


could you please elaborate this?


@wanek the library now automatically delays sending out commands, if the user sketch tries to do it too fast.


Does it mean we can put Blynk.virtualWrite to void loop? :smiley:


You can try.

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wow, this is a great idea, considering that 70% of newbies actually putting virtualwrite to main loop!

I think the practise should still be discouraged because loop() will still be a bad use of resources, even if Blynk was able to cope with it.


Yes that is just to make newbies happy.
BlynkTimer usage recommendations still apply.

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Great, more happy newbies “flooding” the forums with bad coding practices becasue new library enhancements will “fix everything” :thinking: Gee, Thanks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: JK


Well, those Makers will encourage @vshymanskyy to create better and stable code for the library, so every disadvantage has it’s advantage :wink:


I’d like to be sure…
So I’ve just to remove old Blynk libraries/tools folder and replace them by new libraries and tools folders, at the same location?

@Alx-I yes

I can certainly see BIG stability improvements with my MEGA/ESP-01 setup… 20 hours and counting without a single need to activate my built-in reconnect routines. and considering how bloated that testbench project is, and my limited coding abilities… this is a loong time :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t suppose there is a “Total Neanderthals How-to Guide” for doing so with NodeJS on the RPi? :wink:

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Can please explain me anyone how can i update the library on a raspberry pi 2 with raspbian?

@Andy_Wand Check the documents and Help Center… if using WiringPi (C++) follow the links and directions accordingly, if using NodeJS, that is presently stable at v.0.4.7 with no current way to upgrade.

I use node but blynk or so crashed after few days i think its the 100% cpu usage or so that’s why I wanted to update.

That issue seemed to be related specifically to the C++ method and beta 0.5.0 (since updated as stable).

Node v.0.4.7 has been around for a long time and is stable… but you might have code issues that, in Linux, need to be ‘caught’ else they stop the script.

Best to start a NEW topic and provide as much detail as possible, and show your full code.

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Thank you very much, Blynk Gurus. You guys are awesome!

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A question. Does this upgrade cure the instability of ESP when doing Blynk.syncAll() when there are lots of V pins?