Hello, this is first time i ever report this community.
i’m using esp32, temp/humi sensor and LteCatM1 module that is not support Blynk Library.
So, in my project, use ‘http api’ (/external/update…) for update temp/humi value
like this:
String data = "GET /external/api/batch/update";
data += "?token=" BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "&";
data += "v0=" + String(t) + "&" + "v1=" + String(soil_m) + "&" + "v2=" + String(ec);
data += " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
data += "Host: sgp1.blynk.cloud\r\n";
data += "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n";
[esp32 deep sleep func]
this http message is sent periodically. [Once every 10 minutes]
USING ESP32 Deep Sleep Function:
esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(600e6); // 10min; 1s = 1,000,000us
Finally, the esp32 only execute setup().
in setup(),
- get sensor data
- make http message with it and send to blynk (http api:update)
- Zzz(10min)
[Body: Issue or error]
My blynk-automation Scenario:
Temperature datastream from esp32 triggers push notification alert on Device Owner’s Blynk APP.
so i did like this:
if temp>=20, push in-app notification.
Limit period : 15min
Although Temperature datastream is updated from http message successfully,
Just Once push notification arrived.
i changed Automation: Limit Period value: 1sec, 5min, 15min…
but result is not changed
temperature > 20 all day,
but alert just once 8:46:58 PM
(I SET AUTOMATION at 8:40 PM with period: 1sec, 5min, 15min )
Why the Blynk Automation do Action just once?
whatever limit period, Never Repeat Action.