I want to stop all event when click on Button ?
Stop timers that’s all
can I make In blynk , How ? and if it is off all event active ?
first, post your code, we will see how to help you
I want in blynk not in Your code
I think that now would be a good idea to go back to basics.
Start by telling us what O/S and app version you’re running on your phone, what IoT hardware you’re using and how you’re connecting it to the internet. Say whether you’re using the Blynk cloud servers or a local server, and what versions of libraries, ESP core (if relevant), Arduino IDE, Local server (if relevant) you are using.
Then explain in clear, well structured and descriptive sentences, what exactky it is that you’re hoping to achieve.
If you have code or app screenshots that would be helpful in enabling others to obtain a better understanding of what it is that you’re trying to achieve then you should include these too.
I never told you I 'll do a code for you