How to update to latest (0.4.10+) Blynk Client/library on RPi (RPi3 B)

Because, for some reason, I want to learn hard stuff, I resurrected my interest in getting Blynk client running on RPi (and finally, after my ancient original B2.0 model, I was provided with a shiny new RPi 3 B ).

So far so good… although finding out how to run undocumented Blynk command syntax is… challenging :stuck_out_tongue: (e.g. Anyone know why the BLYNK_VERSION command doesn’t work in Nodejs?)

However, along the way, I realised that I am stuck back on Library version 0.4.7… complete with slider issues and all :stuck_out_tongue:

I am running a Node.js module with local Blynk library dependency (couldn’t get global to install) and installed Blynk Library with this command

npm install blynk-library --save

I have tried the guess of exchanging install with update, but nada.

I can download the tar.gz of 0.4.10 but as the contents of it do not in any way match the contents already in my RPi, I am reluctant to replace them, in case I pooch my currently running setup.

Currently on my RPi

Relevant (Linux) contents of blynk-library-0.4.10.tar.gz

So… while what I have IS working… how do I get the Bestest-Newest-Blynk-Library (Nodejs) into my RPi?

OK, after much floundering about, I came to the realisation that there appear to be only two versions of the Node.js Blynk Library. And here I thought the javascript version was the more common Blynk client variation for RPi, as compared to WiringPi.

@vshymanskyy is this something that will eventually be updated?

There’s currently no plans to update that library, but we can update version, not to confuse users :wink:

I am already confused :stuck_out_tongue:

So if I understand correctly, Blynk client/library for RPi will remain as is (working but somewhat buggy, and potentially getting worse) but you can change the apparent version number? Not sure how that will help :thinking:

I had seen an increase in users trying to get RPi working with Blynk, so I figured I would try to learn javascript so I could assist better with more RPi examples as I develop them… But honestly, if the future of Blynk & RPi is not moving forward, then now I don’t know what to do?

The RPi seems to have some good horsepower and “multi-tasking” like abilities, so I was looking to make my RPi3 into the all-in-one brain for my Blynk rover… Server, client, with PiCamera support and eventually semi-autonomy. All through the Blynk interface. No, not traditional IoT, but a great learning base for code examples.

@Gunner i didn’t say that ) Sorry, I thought the issue you experienced is that js library version number is slightly behind C++ library…

Well, yes :stuck_out_tongue: but it is not just the numbering as much as the functioning… The actual issue is that sliders in my RPi projects are still experience an old “jump to zero” type action when I try to move them, making for a very unstable reaction to whatever I am controlling with them.

As I know that issue has been resolved, I suspected that there was something wrong with the RPi install, despite it being a fresh and current process.

My usual method for tracking which version library is on a given device is by having the sketch display such with the BLYNK_VERSION command… only that just throws errors in Node.js.

So a bit of digging revealed that Node.js seems to be running an older library, despite the current install… hence the original post was focusing on the library upgrade, not the slider issue.

@vshymanskyy I just discovered that this 'recurrence" of the slider issue (when dragging, it keeps jumping back to 0) only affects my devices with older Android versions (the ones I most often use while at the workbench), and probably came about after the last App update… which was also around the same time I was mucking about with the RPi client install… again…

Since I hadn’t been using other projects (ESP and Android) for the last few days, I hadn’t realised it affected them as well. So it is not related to the NodeJS library version after all :blush:

I have opened up a new topic for this issue.

As for my NodeJS issue, well I guess as long as it works, i will not worry about it :stuck_out_tongue:

But in the meanwhile, can you tell me how to get the BLYNK_VERSION command to work (in js)? The server (admin page) knows the version and I thought that command was the method of determining such, so I don’t understand why the command doesn’t work in NodeJS.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Recurrence of Sliders jump to 0 issue with older Android versions - 4.4.2