Recurrence of Sliders jump to 0 issue with older Android versions - 4.4.2

I just discovered a 'recurrence" of an older slider issue (when dragging, it keeps jumping back to 0) that only affects my devices with older Android versions (the ones I most often use while at the workbench), and probably came about after the last App update…

Android - 4.4.2

App - 2.17.0

Local Server - 0.28.9-java8

Hm, I’ll prepare a logging build for slider touch handling for you today later.

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We had reproduced it on our side, so when we will have a fix I’ll link a build here.

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@Gunner could you check this build and send log if issue is still persisting:

Same issue, sent log file.

As mentioned in log info, that issue is only with hold and slide… if I tap at any location on the slider, it will go there and stay. Issue is only with active hold and slide (Send on release is OFF) wherein it constantly skips back to 0 until almost at the end, then it will jump to MAX.

I’ve added new logging build with workarounds for earlier Android drag (seem’s that a bug in google library is causing your issue):

OK, that build works on the practical side, AKA the slider bar slides and controls whatever smoothly. The only notable issue is visual.

On shorter sliders, the bar moves smoothly with touch, but the “knob” stays at 0 until the touch is removed.

On longer sliders (EDIT - actually only on my emulator - on the tablet it behaves just like above), the “knob” rapidly alternates from 0 to wherever the slider bar is, then as above, stabilizes where it should upon removal of touch.

Also, slider will not move to new position upon touch, at least not until release (EDIT - I guess that is normal… just never paid that close attention before :stuck_out_tongue: )

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All looking good now with Android App 2.17.1 :+1: