How to setup my Blynk local server so that I can use it from out side my local network

Thank You for such great explaination !!!
if i own vps then i can do further process ,am i right?

If you have Virtual Private Server (VPS) you can run your blynk server on it.
May I know what OS is your server running?

windows 10 pro
what u did sir to successfully run ur server and access from remote location

You can just run your Blynk server application on your VPS, like on any other Windows PC. Then you should be able to access it by Internet address of your VPS and Blynk port. It should work without port forwarding. Just allow ports in windows firewall. I am running my Blynk server on Linux so I have never have done that on a Windows PC, but if you already ran Blynk server locally on local network you just run it the same way on the VPS.

ok Thank You For helping me until
My last query is
we have blynk cloud !
we can access it from anywhere
Then why people build their own Blynk local servers?
what is the actual benefit ?

The main benefit (at least for me) is the control.
I can control the Blynk server, and it´s data. I can control if the server will be online or offline I have my data and my projects. That is also related to privacy. Even if something happens to Blynk cloud servers, your data are safe on your own server. Or security if well say somebody would figure out how to control others IoT devices, somebody might have something like smart door lock, and so somebody else could open and lock their door as they wish? No thanks if you have your own server, and you secure it sufficiently, this is much less likely to happen that somebody can control your devices…

if i run this local server on linux base system then do i have to do all this port forwording, dydns and all ?
or it will be straight forword on linux

what would u suggest for me as best way
as my project requires only controlling the two servo
but i will add extra features in future
what will be ur suggestion ?
vps or linux or static ip from isp

If you want to run a local server then you have to do the router port forwarding, otherwise the data won’t make it to the local server - regardless of which OS you are running the server on. But, as previously explained, that won’t work unless you get your ISP to give you a static/dedicated IP address.

VPS could be more complex, as you don’t have full exclusive control over the hardware, and the port forwarding still needs to be done.

I really don’t understand why you aren’t using the Blynk cloud servers.
I run all of my home automation systems via the Blynk cloud servers and they have proved very reliable over the past 3 years.
With simple projects the energy needed will be inexpensive compared to paying your ISP for a static IP and setting-up/running a local server.
There are some deals out there for VPS hosting, but you end-up paying eventually, unless you want to keep migrating from one provider to another.


not every person has 100% internet uptime.


i want to learn these local server setups thats why i am struglling to get the concept
but unfortunately my isp avoiding me to do
but i will find best procedure to make local server remote and will post on this forum so that everyone can do whatever i want at this time
BTW Thanks for making such app and cloud like blynk
Hats off to you guyz !!!

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@PeteKnight Does Blynk Library provide any function which can automatically return current IP address of computer??

You can get the local IP address, but I don’t think that’s what you’re talking about.
There are lots of ways to get your WAN IP address, just google for examples.


router internet ip means WAN ip ,am i right?

I’m going to lock this topic, as it has now drifted a long way off-topic.

@d95412n it appears that you have three options if you wish to run a local server:

  1. switch to an ISP that doesn’t use double NAT
  2. pay your existing ISP to give you a static public (WAN) IP address
  3. set up a local server on a VPS.

I’d suggest that you learn more about networking rather than asking non-Blynk related questions on this forum.
