How to send emailbody with multiple lines

I would like to send multiple lines containing variables but got no idea how to do it.

I would need to put a variable as body I know but which type an how to fill that with data?
Probably a silly question but really I go no idea…

there might be some hints in the documentation:

void tweetUptime()
  long uptime = millis() / 60000L;
  Serial.println("Tweeting every 10 minutes ;)");

  // Actually send the message.
  // Note:
  //   We allow 1 tweet per minute for now.
  //   Twitter doesn't allow identical subsequent messages.
  Blynk.tweet(String("Running for ") + uptime + " minutes.");

but dunno how to do multiple lines with carriage returns if that is what you mean?

Yes that’s what I meant.

Something Like:


Senor 1 Data is *VARIABLE1*
Senor 2 Data is *VARIABLE2*
Senor 3 Data is *VARIABLE3*

I would need to probably somehow fill some Array and send it I suppose?


“My Body String \nMy new Line 1 \nMy new line 2”

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I supposed that but I need variables in it and got no idea how to do that. Someway with Struct or Array?

Here is one of examples.

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