Hello, I need help with my project that involves controlling a DC motor using L298N on my raspberry pi 3 with C . But I am at a complete standstill, the motor won’t run no matter what I do. I tried to control it with python and it worked flawlessly, here’s the C code
Hello PeteKnight
Thanks for replying, though i don’t think I got what you mean. Putting triple backticks on the top and the bottom of my code gave me this error when building.
Triple backticks are required when you post code to this forum, so that it displays correctly.
This is explained fully when you create a new topic, along with the information that incorrectly posted code will be deleted by the moderators.
Please use the pencil icon at the bottom of your first post in this thread to edit your post and add in the triple backticks.
Oh, I apologize. I am very new to this part of the forum. But now that I know how the forum works, any idea of what is happening to my code? I printed out he status of my Fr and BC pins and they are HIGH and LOW as they should be. But the analogOinOut is “0” when I printed it.