How to manually renew letsencrypt certificate for my Blynk installation

Just received message that the letsencrypt certificate for the domain associated with my blynk installation is about to expire, kindly guide me how to renew the letsencrypt certificate for my domain

Hello. If you generated certs with Blynk you don’t need to do anything, maybe just update the server to the latest one.

Thanks so should I leave as it’s the latest and message I received was the domain certificate is about to expire in 10 days so what should be my further step thanks …

You can remove certificate and restart the server. It should be updated automatically.

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Thx for message, so should I remove fullchain.crt or any other file for the process so it gets renewed when started

@Dmitriy wanted to know should I delete fullchain.crt so that blynk can regenerate necessary letsencrypt certificate