How to logout from admin panel? how to create new user?


maybe it is a stupid question, or i missed something, but:

  • how can i logout from the local blynk server admin panel? i’ve logged in as “admin” once, and now automatically logs me in whenever i access the page in the browser

  • how can i create new users in the admin panel?

it is the latest server on rpi.

I don’t run a local server anymore, so cant give you a definitive answer to the last question.
Obviously this used to be done via the app, but as this has been removed to prevent new cloud registrations it now prevents users from being created that same way.

I think you now have to do it manually by copying the user file. I think the one that’s there will be called
If you copy/paste this and change it’s name to one with your email address (then you may need to restart the server, I don’t know) it should appear in the control panel. You should then be able to reset the password via the control panel, then log in to the app with this user/password combo (and the correct custom server IP and port of course).

I’m guessing that the answer to the first question is that the browser is remembering your credentials. Can you delete them from your saved passwords?


well, in this case i think it is easier if i just downgrade the app to the older version, where they still have the button for registering…

but still, not having a logout button, seems strange and unsafe. whatever, only i will use this admin panel, so it will be ok…